Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Apostle Peter Essay

Peter (also known as Simon) was one of the original 12 apostles. He became the leader of the apostles, after Jesus’ ascension. Peter was originally from Bethsaida on the northern shore of the sea of Galilee. Peter was married. He was a fisherman with his brother Andrew. His home was in Capernaum. When Jesus called him to be an apostle, he was given the added name Cephas (Aramaic: â€Å"stone,† Greek: â€Å"Petros,† which in English is rendered as Peter). Peter was a native of Bethsaida  Peter was one of the three main apostles, along with James and John, who were chosen by Jesus to be present during certain important moments of His ministry. Peter was the natural spokesman of the twelve disciples. One trait of Peter’s character that stands out in the New Testament account, is his impetuosity. The personality of Peter is one of the most vividly drawn and charming in the NT. His sheer humanness has made him one of the most beloved and winsome members of the apostolic band. He was eager, impulsive, energetic, self confident, aggressive, and daring, but also unstable, fickle, weak, and cowardly. He was guided more by his quick impulse than logical reasoning, and he readily swayed from one extreme to the other. He was preeminently a man of action. His life exhibits the capacities for good. He was forward and often rash, liable to instability and inconsistency, but his love for and associations with Christ molded him into a man of stability, humility, and courageous service for God. In the power of the Holy Spirit he became one of the noble pillars of the church. Peter was famous for many things: For being at Jesus’ transfiguration, for walking on water at Jesus’ bidding, for rebuking Jesus for what seemed to him negative thinking (prompting Jesus’ sharp reply â€Å"Get behind Me Satan†), for his statement to Jesus during the washing of feet during the Last Supper, for his denials of knowing Jesus when Peter was in the courtyard of the high priest, for drawing a sword when Jesus was being arrested, and for being granted the singular privilege of an individual post-resurrection appearance by Jesus (Luke 24:34, 1Cor 15:5). When Jesus asked him â€Å"Who do you say I am? † Peter made that famous statement, â€Å"You are the Christ (Messiah) the Son of the Living God. † (Matthew 16:15-16). Under the power of the Holy Spirit, Peter healed the sick and raised the dead. He made a trip to Antioch (Galatians 2:1), and possibly Corinth (1 Corinthians 1:12). It is believed that Peter later traveled to Rome, and was martyred there by crucifixion in 64 AD. He is said to have requested that he be crucified upside down, because he said he wasn’t worthy of dying in the same way as Jesus. Peter wrote two Epistles, called 1 Peter and 2 Peter. Whereas, the first letter was an attempt to encourage a church threatened with official persecution and repression, the second letter dealt with the perils of Apostasy which was an even greater threat. Knowing that he would not be spared to keep control of the situation, Peter was writing to forestall this calamity and to warn the church of its danger. A key verse within this larger context is chapter two, verse one: But there arose false prophets also among the people, as among you also there shall be false teachers, who shall secretly bring in destructive heresies, denying even the Master who bought them, bringing upon themselves swift destruction. An influx of conscienceless agitators who repudiated the lordship of Christ(2:1) and whose attitude was haughty (2:10), licentious (2:13), adulterous (2:14), greedy (2:14), bombastic (2:18), and libertine (2:19) seemed imminent. A looming heresy involved a denial of Christ (2:1) and ridiculed the promise of his return (3:3-4). Certain teachers were consumed with fleshly lusts and despised divine authority. They were rebels—sneaky, reckless, and bold in their opposition to truth. They lived more on the animal level than as godly human beings (2:1, 10-12). These peddlers of error delighted in seducing and taking captive ignorant souls, all the while promising them freedom to live independently of the will of God (2:14, 18-19). They were church outlaws! They will purposely try not to be noticed and bring division in the church by distorting and departing from the word. They will lay down truth alongside the falsehood and secretly bring in destructive heresies. They will deny the Lord who died for them by presenting a different view of the gospel. The focus is not on the cross for salvation. The principal design of this letter was to â€Å"stir† Christian minds to a greater level of spirituality and to fortify them against the danger of certain false teachers who threatened their faith. The key to this letter is the word know of knowledge), which occurs frequently in the three chapters, often referring to knowledge of Christ. This knowledge is not primarily academic, but spiritual, arising from a growing experience of Christ (2Peter 3:18). It produces peace and grace (1:2) and fruitfulness (1:8), is the secret of freedom from defilement (2:20), and is the sphere of Christian growth (3:18). It may be that the false teachers were Gnostics who stressed knowledge as the means to salvation, and that Peter sought to counteract their falsehoods by a positive presentation of true knowledge. Near the conclusion of chapter two, Peter described the false teachers as previously having: (a) escaped â€Å"the defilements of the world through the knowledge of the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ†; (b) known â€Å"the way of righteousness; and, turned from the holy commandment delivered unto them (vv. 20-21). The inspired apostle concludes his statement by emphasizing the danger inherent in the doctrine these heretics taught—a threat both to their converts and to themselves.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Impact of US Dollar on Canadian Economy Essay

The Canadian Economy is strong. According to the 2001 Canada Yearbook, factors contributing to the country’s economic health are: natural resources; manufacturing and construction industries; financial and service sectors; the ability to span distances using communications and transportation technologies; dynamic trade relationships with other nations; and the ability to compete in a global marketplace (2004). Being the 2nd largest country in the world, Canada’s natural resources accounts for 12. 6% of its GDP growth in 2003. The Energy Sector, Forestry, Mineral Sector as well as Geomatics Sciences are responsible for this growth. Exportation of natural gas, timber and wood products, potash, uranium and other minerals make up for the growth. Geomatics is the science and technology of gathering, analyzing, interpreting, distributing and using geographic information. Since 2002, when the Canadian Government initiated the focus on understanding and mapping its land resources, it became one of the leading suppliers of information, technology and equipment in Geomatics. Today, Geomatics is a $10 to $20 billion dollar industry growing at a 20% rate, and thus is a potential growth area for the Canadian natural resources sector. According to Industry Canada, the Manufacturing and Construction Industries contribute to about 40% of Canada’s GDP, with an actual gross approximately $25 billion in December 2005. The two industries combined showed growth near single digit levels, (manufacturing at 1% GDP and construction at 0. 7% in Dec. 2005) which propelled the 0. 4 over-all GDP, making up for the loss in the Agriculture section at -1. 6% GDP in December 2005 (2006). The services sector in general is boosting the economy. Canada Yearbook states that the sector employs three out of four Canadians in the 21st Century (2004). Though their output is not as tangible as manufactured or natural goods, the services sector is everywhere and serve as the backbone of every economic sector. From the driver of a courier van to the company financial analyst to the service providers in Civil Defense, all the roles belong to the services sector. Together with advances in information technology, the services sector is transforming Canadian Economy into a knowledge-based economy (2006), as claimed by the Canadian Yearbook, where-in its modern products are efficient back-end services, professional consultancy and breakthrough technologies and equipment. Despite the economic transformation, trade is still the main means of business for Canada. As such, relationships with trade partners play a vital role. Among the countries in the world, four markets are in constant and significant trade relations with Canada: United States, United Kingdom, Japan and more recently, China. Among the four, its close neighbor, the United States takes about 75 – 80% of Canada’s trading business. Thus, changes in the Unites States economy, particularly of the US dollar impacts Canadian economy. State of Canada-US Trade Geography and history have provided opportunities for the United States and Canada to be in close business relations. In the natural order of things, free trade between the two nations would be beneficial in toto. However, political and social ramifications have prevented the successful pact since the mid 1800s until such time when, despite the disagreement of Canada’s Conservative Party, the Free Trade Agreement (FTA) between US and Canada was effected in October of 1987. The over-all provision is to minimize tariffs of all goods traded between the two countries to a maximum of 1%. With the FTA in effect, trade between the two countries rose to 40% from a pre-FTA level of 25%. However, there is strong opposition from Canada about violations of the United States in the provisions of FTA, to the disadvantage of Canada’s agricultural business. However, seeing the benefits of a free trade zone, Prime Minister elect Jean Chretien improved the FTA and broadened the extend of the free trade to Mexico. Thus, in January of 1994, the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) between the United States, Canada and Mexico, took effect. Such Agreement involves an immediate and phased release of tariffs and trade barriers for agricultural products traded between the three countries. A macro benefit of NAFTA is a systematic conduct of business within North America because of the creation of an impartial, rules-based system to resolve dispute among the countries. Significant increases in trade activity were observed among the three countries in the first seven years of NAFTA implementation as compared to agricultural trade activities with other markets outside of North America. Canadian agricultural and agri-food exports to the United States and Mexico have increased by 95 percent, reaching $14. 8 billion in 2000. In comparison, Canadian exports of agricultural products to non-NAFTA countries grew by 45 percent during the same period, according to Agriculture and Agri-food Department of Canada (2006). Prior to NAFTA, agricultural import-export activities between Canada and the United States was only at $13. 7 billion. However, this increased $25. 1 billion in 2000, 82% higher, since 1993. Because 61% of Canada’s farming produce are exported to the United States, agricultural exports for the same period grew 92% to reach $14. 1 billion. As a result, Canada’s agricultural trade surplus with the United States has more than tripled since 1993. As summarized by the Agricultural Department of Canada, Horticultural crops: volume exports of tomatoes increased twenty-fold while exports of peppers and lettuce increased seven-fold, and exports of cucumbers increased six-fold. Oilseeds products: soybean oil volume exports increased seven-fold, exports of sunflower oil quadrupled, and canola oil exports increased by 44 percent. Specialty crops: dried beans volume exports nearly tripled. Red meats: beef volume exports more than doubled while pork exports increased by 87 percent. Processed products: roasted coffee volume exports increased nearly seventeen-fold, malt exports increased nearly five-fold, exports of frozen French fries increased four-fold, and pasta exports more than tripled. Following the success of NAFTA and its predecessors from other continents of the world, Canada together with thirty-three other countries belonging to the American Continent are drafting a free trade agreement called Free Trade Agreement Among the Americas (FTAA). With its complex participation, the agreement is still under negotiations. Factors that Influence the Rise of the Canadian Dollar (against the US Dollar) With the rise of the United States as an Economic super power, it naturally assumed a role of having the US dollar as a worldwide currency. Significant markets such as Canada are always compared to the dollar. Moreover, being a majority trade partner of the US, the exchange rate of the Canadian dollar matters significantly over the US dollar. Since 2003, Statistics Canada has plotted the rise of the Canadian dollar against the US dollar and indicated its significant rise against the greenback. There are three factors that may have contributed to this growth: first, the weakening of the US economy brought about by increasing current account deficits; secondly, the worldwide increase in commodity prices; and thirdly, the improved performance of the Canadian economy resulting in trade surplus. Since 2001, there has been a common phenomenon in most major currencies in the world: they appreciated against the US dollar. The Euro and Canadian dollar were two of the strongest performers. When the Euro surpassed the greenback in 2003 analysts predicted that there was no turning back. While the loonie has seen significant appreciation at the rate of 25% since 2001 until 2005, surpassing historical performance by the US dollar. Such appreciation has been driven by the increasing trade deficits of the US. Since 2001, the US has been buying more goods and a service than the country is able to sell. More oil, gas, metals and services were bought with US dollars than were sold outside of the US. Some analysts believe that the on-going War on Terror has been the main source of the deficit. While the country is still figuring out how to address the deficits, major trade partners such as Canada are reaping the benefits of a weakening dollar. At the mercy (or because) of commodity supply, the Canadian economy remained resilient despite the volatility of oil, gas, metals and wood. Being a major supplier of such commodities, precarious world prices came at an advantage. Despite some internal losses as a crude oil refiner, the bottom line effect of this factor remained positive and contributed to GDP. Thus, the increase of the Canadian dollar. Last factor that weakened the dollar from Canada’s point of view is the initiative of its government to attract more businesses through higher interest rates (vs. that of the United States). The over-all effect therefore, of the three factors above is the weakening of the US dollar against the Canadian dollar. Today, the exchange rate of the Canadian dollar is rising and reaching its peak in 2001, at C$ 0. 846 vs. the US$. With such growth, the general assessment of Canadian economists, businesses and external analysts is that this is positive for the Canadian economy, now more than ever. The next sections will have full discussion of the different sectors in the Canadian economy as impacted by the weakening (or strength) of the US dollar. Impact of the US Dollar on Canadian Industries Exports Apart from agriculture and agri-products, steel is another commodity that Canada heavily trades with the United States. Canada’s steel production accounts for approximately two percent of the world’s total supply. This is very small as compared to the Asian producers (Japan, North Korea and Taiwan), which accounts for nearly 40%. Nevertheless, 89% of Canada’s steel export go to the United States while 58% of Canada’s imported steel come from the US. Trade barriers, transportation costs prevent small Canadian steel producers from competing outside of North America. North America’s open market is ideal for small and big steel manufacturers from Canada. Just by its size and high demand, the opportunity for supply is wide. In addition, proximity to such a large market allows for low transportation cost. Just-in-time supply is immediately served without much impact on delivery cost. Furthermore, inventory can be kept low unless preparing for construction peak. Steel pricing in North America is also higher than other export markets by as much as 40% when compared to Japan, where steel importation is minimal due to its own supply. In North America, particularly the United States, steel trade is predicted to continue growth. In this light, sustained and open access to the U. S. market is key to the Canadian steel industry. A slight fallback in the market, for example, experienced in 1995 posed a threat to the industry. Whenever such a slow-down happens, issues related to anti-dumping and government subsidies arise, without any proper venue for address under NAFTA. Unfair trade practice is an issue commonly raised by the US against Canada when market conditions appear to favor Canada’s steel industry. In the same manner, weakening of the US dollar may initiate such a condition when Canada’s steel industry continues to maintain a surplus against the US. Once again is likely to be subject to charges of unfair trading practices by U. S. steelmakers. In 1993, according to Industry Canada, the country had a global steel trade surplus of $580 million and a steel trade surplus with the U. S. of $909 million. While the trade surplus was maintained with the U. S. , the surge in steel demand in 1994 resulted in a dramatic rise in imports and produced an overall international trade deficit of $207 million. The total trade balance deficit increased in 1995 to $349 million as Canadian imports again exceeded exports. However, the steel trade surplus with the U. S. was $1. 0 billion in 1995. Over the period from 1989 to 1995, steel imports have increased from 18. 6 percent of apparent domestic consumption in Canada to 29. 9 percent in 1995. Meanwhile the import share held by the U. S. increased from 8. 6 percent to 17. 5 percent. In the U. S. market, imports increased from 17. 9 percent of apparent domestic consumption in 1989 to 21. 4 percent in 1995, with Canada’s import share increasing from 3. 1 percent to 4. 0 percent. With such steel trade dynamics between the two countries, the weakening of the US dollar means the increase in Canada’s export price. Either more US dollars are needed to purchase the same Canadian product in the 21st century, than during the slump 1990s; or less Canadian dollars are earned for every sale of a Canadian export. At the other end, when Canada imports from the US, the commodities and services become cheaper. Either way, both impacts sales and profits. When sales and profits are volatile, vulnerable small businesses tend to closedown and contribute to unemployment. In order to maintain profit margins, Canadian export companies will need to improve efficiencies. Improvement may come in three ways: production streamlining, outsourcing and amortization gains. When the US dollar is low, it is the best time for companies to reevaluate tools and machinery throughput. Technology improvements will present more-efficient, more-automated processes, which can be useful in improving production efficiency. Since most equipment are bought from the US or are priced in US dollars, lower dollar exchange rates mean cheaper equipment. This is one way that exports companies to maintain profit margins by reducing production cost through efficient machines. In the same line of thinking importing services also come cheaper than when the US dollar is strong. Whether obtaining services from the US, or from East Asia, where intelligent and skilled labor is cheap, outsourcing back-end process in export production always contribute to efficiency. Though this may result to redundancies, macro effects of outsourcing prove to be positive to the bottom line. Lastly, for businesses that amortize US dollar-denominated loans, there will be gains in the amortization payment because of the weakened dollar. Furthermore, during a round-table public forum in 2004, businessmen have suggested that the Canadian government consider lowering interests rates to match that of the US. Doing so will minimize the impact of loans on Canadian dollar-based denominations despite its appreciation. Imports The stronger currency benefits importers. Consumers and businesses benefit from a better Canada-U. S. exchange rate through less expensive imports from the U. S. The depreciation of the dollar lowers import costs and, more specifically, offers cheaper capital goods, making investment in new machinery and equipment in Canada cheaper. Canadian businesses import 80% of equipment and machinery, and with these imports now more affordable, a boost to business investment can be expected. However, some argue that with the loss of revenue, investments in new machinery and equipment would not be substantial.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Obesity in Kuwait Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Obesity in Kuwait - Essay Example It has hugely educated the public on the importance of eating habits credibility. In regard to making efforts to increase awareness about obesity, several organizations have been developed in the country. These organizations have trained and sensitized people on how to lead lifestyles which are healthy. Kuwait has been ranked second in obesity just behind United States of America. This is according to a recent study by the Imperial College London, Harvard University together with the World Health Organization. Various reasons for obesity problems in Kuwait have been brought about. Many people in Kuwait do not perform physical workouts and they eat junk foods which contain excess fats and calories. They have been able to spend any amount of money for tasty foods since they earn high incomes. Therefore this gives out a direct relationship with the problems of obesity in Kuwait. The higher the income, leads to the higher chances of being infected by obesity. This is the situation in Kuwait. Energy intake among the Kuwaitis is extremely more than what is actually required for a person according to Zaghloul’s study. This has been seen to be very much higher than the estimated requirements of energy for almost half of Kuwait children and one-third of adults. There has been an estimation of energy requirements that is exceeded by 78% -100% of the recommendations for protein and carbohydrates in respect to Kuwait situation. Majority of the energy drinks and foods contain excessive fat and sugar content which in turn bring about a problem of obesity in a human being’s body. People, who earn high incomes in Kuwait, buy these foods and drinks items which are expensive and contain excess fats and calories. Among Kuwaitis, high income earners have been infected by obesity. Globalization has also led to an increase of obesity cases among the Kuwaitis. This is simply because, many people’s life styles

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Visual Literacy in Business Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 5

Visual Literacy in Business - Essay Example They totally stand out from the rest. TV commercials are composed of visual graphics accompanied with verbal explanations of the same. The commercials are effective in drawing attention because of the appealing mode of presentation. Application of audio-visual graphics in the commercials emphasizes what is seen by relating it the relevant audio information. The new trends in graphic design have extensively improved the manner in which TV commercials are portrayed (Gkiouzepas & Hogg, 2011). Billboards are quite big and easily noticeable. Therefore, the size of the billboards is the initial reason for their effectiveness because it is hard to ignore them. The incorporation of attractive pictorial illustrations of whatever is being advertised also makes billboards stand out. Most of them are located along busy streets and high ways and the messages are encrypted in a simple and understandable format. The use of visual communication in the media today displays an ever-changing trend. The visual graphics that were being used in past have been elevated to a higher quality that is more appealing. Recent billboards are digitized, in that; they have screens that display visuals like any other appliance with a screen. The use of effective forms of visual communication would increase the coverage scope of business marketing messages. The information is effectively relayed to the target group. Visual communication can be complemented by verbal communication when advertising on platforms such as televisions and internet

Saturday, July 27, 2019

View on the American History Through The Name of War by Jill Lepore Essay

View on the American History Through The Name of War by Jill Lepore - Essay Example The writer intends to make the reader understand how the English people and the Indians survived the King Phillips war (1675-1676) and how the two tribes revived after the war. The writer says that the war was one of the most flaming wars in American history and more casualties than any other war. Indians had attacked twenty-five English towns which were more than half the colonial towns and, as a result, pushed the English borderline back to the Atlantic coast (Lepore 54). In response to this attack, the England natives killed thousands of Indians and surrounded their villages ensuring they starved to death due to hunger and diseases. The natives also shipped away from the survivors into slavery in the West Indies. The writer of the book describes the events in a fascinating manner that captures the readers' mind and prompts the reader to believe her arguments. The war demonstrates the experiences of the British colonialists and the natives that lay the foundation for the competition between the Europeans and the Indians over control of the continent. The writer also criticizes and corrects other histories write when she says that the book is a study of war and also a study of how other people write about war. The target audience if the book is the Native Americans and the Indians and the writer constantly reminds them of the unfinished and parochial nature of memory and history. Jill writes from a theoretically informed perspective although her use of words makes the story very interesting and even prods one to think as if it is from an eyewitness. Her story focuses on the realities of the war as opposed to what people think or what other documentary evidence have shown. Unlike many other historians, she covers the immediate causes of the hostilities that resulted into the war and narrates the story as a neutral party. She reveals that the English were not the victims of the war since they essentially instigated the war (Lepore 147).  

Museum Visit Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Museum Visit - Assignment Example The Egyptian history was written by priest Manetho, in the 1st Century. He classified the Pharaohs into 30 Dynasties. The Pharaonic Period is divided into five periods, which include Early, Middle, New, Late kingdom, the three intermediate Periods and the Persian Period (Rosicrucian Egyptian Museum & Planetarium 1). These periods are significant in the Egyptian history because they represent a break in the Pharaonic History via the decay or invasion of intermediate periods (the central power). The mentioning of Dynasties gives readers a bigger picture of the events that occurred, during specific periods, in the Pharaonic History, which is believed to be more than 3000 years old (Rosicrucian Egyptian Museum & Planetarium 1). One of the most common features of the Egyptian religious belief is the idea of life after death. They believed that their dead bodies had to be preserved, in the tombs, to provide a place for their spirits to reside in after life. Preservation of bodies is known as mummification. According to the Ancient Egyptians, cremating bodies was a sign of destroying an individual’s soul. They believed that souls had to interact with bodies, even after death. Preservation of bodies was enhanced by the Egypt’s geographical location and climate (Rosicrucian Egyptian Museum & Planetarium 1). Dry air and sand preserved bodies that were laid in shallow pits. In the Pharonic History, over 70 million mummies have been prepared in the past 3000 years (Rosicrucian Egyptian Museum & Planetarium 1). Pharaohs, who were both political leaders and gods, were buried in large pyramids, in the Old Kingdom. The Ancient Egyptians used the Rosetta stone to enhance the development of modern understanding of hieroglyphic writing (Rosicrucian Egyptian Museum & Planetarium 1). This stone is believed to have been created during the Ptolemaic era stele, in the 196BC. Its surface is covered with in scribbled texts, which is

Friday, July 26, 2019

- Radiographic Technique Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

- Radiographic Technique - Essay Example This paper seeks to discuss how do techniques are changed for a given part of the body while keeping the same density on a film, and the tips for remembering this type of information. X-rays are techniques of radiography used in controlled radiation rays in recording an image of the inside of the body on film. A radiographic technique has varying effect on different parts of the body. This is because different parts of the body appear differently since density affects how images appear on an x-ray. When a bone is targeted, the radiation must be adjusted because bones absorb most of the radiation, this is because a bone is white and much or the radiation is absorbed. On the other hand, for a soft tissue like a muscle, organs or fat, the technique is changed again by minimizing radiation from the x-ray. This is because soft tissues allow more of the x-rays since they appear gray. When this is done, the density on the film remains the same. In summary, radiographic technicians have also employed radiographic tenets that ensure safety for patients. For example the ALARA, an acronym, for As Low As Reasonably Achievable. This principle is used to minimize the doses of radiation on various parts of the body by employing reasonable radiation methods. The technicians have also applied the 3C’s principle which denotes, Correct patient, Correct site, and Correct procedure for any part of the

Thursday, July 25, 2019

A Management-Style Report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

A Management-Style Report - Essay Example Strategy has been stated to be a guide or idea which provides consistency to the resolutions made collectively by the organisation. Strategic management refers to the process of efficiently and innovatively employing the resources of production such as manpower, machinery and materials in an organisational process. This effective and effectual engagement of resources would enable the organisation to develop effectual strategies which would facilitate the company to earn profits along with competency. Stating precisely, strategies are developed to enable the organisation to survive in the future (Scribner, 2011). From a broad perspective, strategic management is considered to be a process which entails five different aspects. Firstly it involves the need of recognising the requirements of an organisation that is necessary to be achieved. With this purpose, the objectives of the organisation are taken into concern and then the identified requirements are associated with the objectives. Secondly, an analysis is conducted of the internal as well as the external business environment so as to obtain an understanding of the factors which can be either termed as positive or negative. Thirdly, a strategy is being developed based on the evaluation and recognition of the problems. The strategy is designed according to the priority of the issues. Fourthly, the strategy is planned to be put into practice by gathering the needed resources as well as commitments required to proceed with the strategies with the purpose of attaining the desired outcomes. Last but not the least is the stage of screening or monitoring those strategies. Monitoring the strategies also helps in understanding their effectiveness and making any needed alterations (Grant, 2005; Scribner, 2011). The aim of the paper is to assess the present strategic position of Toyota along with ascertaining its resources and capabilities which helps the company to attain competitive advantage over its competitors and ensure its existence in the industry. However, certain strategic issues of the company would also be assessed which could have an adverse affect on the success of Toyota in the long run and certain recommendations would be made in that context. 2.0. Toyota’s Current Strategic Position 2.1. Toyota’s Environment Strategy refers to the process of harmonising an organisation’s competencies and resources with the prospects that are observed to take place in the external surroundings. Toyota is a Japanese car manufacturing company and mainly caters to the market of Japan. However, in the period of 1980 and 1990, Toyota planned to invade the car market of North America. It was successful in capturing the North American market along with entering the Western European market as well which was followed with the intention to be a global leader. Soon Toyota was seen to capture the U.S. market in-spite of the presence of strong players like DaimlerChrysler, General Motors (G M), and Ford. The key to this

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Skill of Narration Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Skill of Narration - Essay Example Plutarch's central argument is the possibility of anybody to rise above his circumstances by the exercise of his will and hard work. He gives a detailed portrait of Coriolanus. He explores Coriolanus' family background, culture, psychology, and morality. These determinants and the historical context shaped his character. Plutarch shows us how sentiments are the humans' strongest motivating force. The passionate urge in Coriolanus, operative from child hood to reach the stature of a great soldier, drives him to work for it with determination. Plutarch thus forcibly presents the psychological reasons behind the journey from ordinary circumstances to that of a significant figure in the Roman history glorified by generations of people. Plutarch's strength as a narrator springs from his penetrating vision of the psychological side of his subject. The distinguishing feature of Corilanus' character was his detachment from personal glory usually found in most people of ambition. This trait is so very well expressed in chosen word that a flood of light is thrown on his subject as in this excerpt: And, whereas others made glory the end of their daring, the end of his glory was his mother's gladness; the delight she took to hear him praised and to see him crowned, and her weeping for joy in his embraces rendered him in his own thoughts the most honoured and most happy person in the world. The aesthetic approach of Plutarch is in stark contrast to the didacticism of Bede who writes on a saint of heroic Christian virtues. The central concern of Bede to edify his readers by the exemplary conduct of Cuthbert deflects from the purpose of providing aesthetic pleasure. While Bede reveals the character of Cuthbert conforming to the Christian ideal, the inner side of the Saint is not sufficiently looked at nor is it understood in the style of narration. Cuthbert as a saint working miracles is in the realm of supernatural, while Coriolanus performing heroic feats is in the realm of the natural. Bede's life of Cuthbert is in the form of a string of miracles. Since the aim of the biography was to instill in the reader faith in the powers of saints in the performing of miracles, the literary flourishes are somewhat rudimentary. The sentences do not have the vigour of narrative found in the style of Plutarch. However a believer by the disposition of his mind might find relish in th e style of Bede, as it elevates him to realize the power of God's saints in their miracles. The typical miracle conveys the ineffectiveness of human intervention in a crisis. Bede concludes the miraculous way in which the saint put our a fire: But it was not only in the case of an apparition of a fire that his power was shown; for he extinguished a real fire by the fervency of his tears, when many had failed in putting it out with all the water they could get. NARRATIVE IN VASARI'S LIFE OF DONATELLO AND AUBREY'S LIFE OF THOMAS HOBBES The endowments of a writer are usually reflected in his technique of narration. Vasari was a painter and an architect and in the assessment of Donatello he is able to look at him from the angle of an artist that gives the writing a quality of credibility and hence, on the part of the reader, greater willingness to accept the piece of writing. However, the endowments of Audrey was some what limited compared to the standing the Thomas Hobbes enjoyed while

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Romantic Genre in Film Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Romantic Genre in Film - Research Paper Example There are however, movies that have attempted to appeal to crass sensibilities for the purpose of commercial benefits. This paper shall look at the Romantic genre in film, with a special focus on the film Titanic, which was directed by James Cameron and was released in 1997. The first movies of this genre were silent movies and were mostly released during the last decade of the nineteenth century. This also reflected the aesthetic movement that made an open discussion of love possible. The end of the Victorian era meant that in a certain sense, people were not as rigid in their worldviews or conservative as the Victorians were. Films that were directed by Charlie Chaplin often featured a romantic element that served to highlight social issues. It would sometimes involve people of higher classes falling in love with the tramp, serving to highlight the intensely materialistic culture that had begun to develop during the middle of the twentieth century. The disparity in classes does not force the lovers apart, a feature that is common to many films of this genre. The opposition that the love faces from the establishment is something that is constantly critiqued in such movies. Chaplin also looks at the way in which vulnerable sections of the society sometimes come together through love and mark their protest against an unjust manner of social grouping and running of the economy. This can be seen in several movies where both the lovers belong to marginalized sections of the society and are yet, not helpless, as a result of their awareness of their ability to revolt against unjust social systems. The ability of subaltern groups to create bonds amongst themselves owing to their common marginality is something that Chaplin explores through the premise of romance. Following the conventional times of the Victorian era and its aftermath, there were many unusual couples that adorned the screen. Same-sex couples were one such type some were couched in terms of comedy and t his served to avoid controversy and conflict with the conservative sections of the society. Unusual couples also involved those who were separated from each other through a difference in their ages. This resulted in controversial movies that sought to often push the barriers that the society had set. An attempt to break out of stringent social norms that had followed the World Wars can be cited as a reason for this sense of liberation that people sought to experience. This period followed a period when filmmakers sought to explore the travails of couples whose love could not reach a culmination. One of the most famous examples of this is Casablanca. Films like this sought to look into the aspects of love that sought fulfilment and culmination. It felt the need for marriage while making the viewers seek one too. This wish of the viewers was continually deferred by the filmmaker in favour of one that left a tragedy in its wake. This paradoxically, led to such movies becoming successes at the box office and the trend continued. This again was followed by a period that again had unusual couples that were sometimes based on the sexual misadventures of people. They were also sometimes based on books which had always had a history of being more controversial and open than the visual medium. This resulted

Monday, July 22, 2019

The Importance of the Arts Essay Example for Free

The Importance of the Arts Essay Math was always my least favorite subject in school. I always had difficulty remembering the formulas and all the different rules. I didn’t do well in all the other core subjects either. With no motivation and no interest, my grades quickly suffered. I was always watching movies and television instead of doing homework. So when I saw that I could take acting class as an elective in high school, it was obviously my first choice. Acting class came a little more naturally than math class did. Memorizing lines to a monologue was much easier for me than formulas to some equation. It made me come out of my shell more and communicate more effectively. I began to look forward to tests, which were usually performances, because I would be adequately prepared from all my practices. After taking acting class, I decided to take more performing art classes. Luckily the high school that I went to was the top public school for performing arts in the state. It allowed me to take chorus and dance along with acting. With so many classes I enjoyed taking and doing well in, my grades improved drastically. Taking all these performing art classes quickly became the salvation I needed and taught me many other important lessons. But towards the end of my high school years, funds were cut from schools again. The performing arts department in my school struggled to keep the program strong with the budget cuts. By the time I graduated, a few classes were cut and the ones that were left couldn’t afford the same things. These cuts affected other schools as well. For most schools across America, art programs were first to be cut. An article written by the Education Fund states that, â€Å"during these difficult economic times, arts programs are the first to be sacrificed. In addition, in many schools where classroom space is limited, art studios are now only contained in a cart that is wheeled by teachers from room to room, severely limiting the arts education students receive. † Although our program had not been cut, I was sad to see some of the classes go at my school among many others who enjoyed the arts. In an article written back in 2011 in the New York Times, Anna M. Phillips states, â€Å"The situation is likely to worsen next year if the city goes through with its plans to layoff 4,100 teachers to save $269 million. Estimates released in February project that 350 of those let go will be arts teachers, which would be a 15 percent drop in art, music and performing arts teachers. † With all the classes being cut, students will be the first to suffer. Why would they cut classes that students enjoyed to come to learn? The Arts have become a vital addition in education to help students become more successful. I was firsthand to witness this. The Arts allow students who don’t grasp the teachings of subjects like math and English to learn in a way that is more easily understandable to them. Not all students are the same nor do they learn the same. In an article from USA Today online, Tamara Henry states, â€Å"Schoolchildren exposed to drama, music and dance may do a better job at mastering reading, writing and math than those who focus solely on academics. † Keeping art programs in school can help students do well in school and lead to successful futures. Though it is said that careers in the arts are limited and that being an artist isn’t a real job, Valerie Strauss disagrees. In article she wrote in the Washington post titled â€Å"Why we love artist but not the arts education† she states, â€Å"Top CEO’s around the world are seeking out new employees who can think creatively, be innovative in business development and marketing strategies and show outstanding leadership qualities that will â€Å"wow† clients. This is what businesses need to compete in the global marketplace. In a 2010 study by IBM, interviews with CEO’s representing 33 industries and 60 countries identified creativity as the most important leadership skill for the future. † Despite counter arguments against the arts, it is proven that it can help. That is why the arts are fundamental in education for improving children’s academic success, communication and social skills, and teaching them discipline. After I began to take performing arts class, my grades improved dramatically. The arts have helped many students across America better achieve higher education standards. Test scores prove this and the organization Arts for LA states that, â€Å" In a national sample of 25,000 students, those students with high levels of arts-learning experiences earned higher grades and scored better on standardized tests than those with little or no involvement in the arts-regardless of socioeconomic status. Learning through the arts also appears to have significant effects on learning in other disciplines, with students consistently involved in theater and music showing higher levels of success in math and reading. After a raise in my GPA from my performing art classes, I soon saw another raise. I noticed that I was beginning to do better in my core classes as well. Memorizing lines of monologues and choreography improved my memorization skills helping me with the different formulas and steps of math. Skills learned in art programs can be used towards learning math and English and help students. Jessica Velasco also states in her blog, â€Å"Studying the lyrics of music can teach students about syllabification, phonics, vocabulary, imagery, history, myths, folktales, geography, and culture. † It’s evident that the Arts can improve student’s grades and test scores. It also can improve students’ attendance records. The Arts for LA also states, students involved in art are three times more likely to win an award for their school attendance. I knew when I went to school that I didn’t want to miss any of my acting classes because I didn’t want to miss out on learning something I enjoyed doing. The arts not only benefit students’ minds, but also their social and communication skills. With all of the performances to the public, it’s no wonder that the Arts can improve these vital skills needed everyday. When I first began performing, I was always nervous about talking in front of people. But the pure joy I found in performing made me more comfortable with public speaking. I remember when I was younger I had a bad habit of speaking really quickly when I got nervous. When I took acting class, my teacher made me very aware of the matter. She was constantly telling me not to rush my lines during practices. Now whenever I’m speaking to anyone, I can hear my acting teacher’s voice in the back of my head yelling at me to slow down! As I became more comfortable being in front of people, I began to more make friends as well. The arts are a great way to bring students together and have them work together in a positive way. Henry also states, â€Å"Multi-arts helps with reading, verbal and math skills; improves the ability to collaborate and higher-order thinking skills. † After taking acting classes, I became much more confident with public speaking. It has also helped me to do well in job interviews as well. The communication skills that can be learned through the arts can help students interact with others. Henry also states, â€Å"Drama helps with understanding social relationships, complex issues and emotions; improves concentrated thought and story comprehension. † In acting classes, the teacher not only teaches you memorizes lines but teaches you to be able to comprehend that which you are reading. You learn to express different emotions and work with other people. Working with a group of people so often, your team working skills improve which is very important to a students’ success. As students learn something they enjoy doing, it becomes less of a chore. This makes it much easier for a student to learn discipline. Despite the lazy artist stereotypes, the arts can help motivate students to do work. When I began to take dance much more seriously, I started going to practices 6 days a week. It taught me that if I worked hard enough at something, I would reap the rewards. Henry had this to say about dance, â€Å"Dance helps with creative thinking, originality, elaboration and flexibility; improves expressive skills, social tolerance, self-confidence and persistence. † Students learn persistence not only in dance but also in other areas of art like music. Velasco states, â€Å"Students who take the time to master a musical instrument learn about hard work, practice, and discipline. While performing in a group – like an orchestra, band, or choir – students learn to work together, appreciate teamwork, strive for a common goal, and develop negotiation skills. † Students who learn discipline through art can then apply that to other fields in their lives.

Cultural evolution Essay Example for Free

Cultural evolution Essay In his article â€Å"Where Do Social Relations Come From? †, Michael Grossetti discusses the ways that human relationships are studied by sociologists, citing that often the methodology begins by starting with the relationship ad working backward to define it (Grossetti,p. 289). The most lasting relationships are the ones that come from organizations, he concludes, especially those related to family and friends. When we related this conclusion back to cultural evolution theory, we can argue that the lasting relationships of this generation because at this point in time most relationships are forged out of organizations or via our families. However, we can clearly argue that once this may not have been true as people had longer term relationships with people in their neighborhoods and those with whom they had a physical proximity. Grossetti argues that neighborhoods do not provide a basis for lasting relationships as they do not necessarily share life values or interests which draw people together (p. 292). When discussing this assertion in relation to cultural evolution, we can argue that in the recent past, neighborhoods did share a commonality that is now missing – immigrants would tend to settle in neighborhoods, neighborhoods would be divided by racial or religious lines, or at the most tangential neighborhoods would be reflective of a certain socio-economic status. Now, according to Grossetti’s study, relationships have evolved to the point that people develop relationships based primarily on organizations which they belong to –church groups, work groups, or interest organizations. When this is combined with the use of social networks, it can be observed that people are then creating a new means to segregate themselves via their interests. People have developed a new means to identify people with like interests and create new association groups. The interesting aspect of this evolving form of meeting may be that it creates relationships among people who in previous generations may never even have met. Because social networking allows people with common interests to meet without the traditional introduction of a mutual friend, they may completely change the way relationship develop in the future, dovetailing nicely with the theory of cultural evolution.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

System for Occupational Health and Safety Management

System for Occupational Health and Safety Management 1.1 General Overview Agape Homes Trust provides intellectual disability level care for adults in residential and day care. The trust provides services to develop individuals skills, talents and interest and assist them to live a integrated life. The manager oversees to two care centres. There is a well established management team supporting the running of the centre. The service has a clinical coordinator, a team leader, four support workers. A shortfall identified in this audit around staff training and other records has been addressed. Health and Safety System Audit report Policies and Procedures Policies and procedures are reviewed on regular basis and updated to reflect best practice, standards and legislation. Policies are in placed and documented rationally to determine skill mix and staffing levels. Roster is provided for appropriate coverage for effective delivery of services to the client at all times. The trust uses a combination of computer based planning for cares and documentation based information. The long term care plan is computer based and a printed out summary placed in front of the clients file. There is a lifestyle questionnaire for residents which provides information regarding the residents past and present likes and dislikes. Intervention are planned round those hobbies with set timeframe. Certain activities are planned out as well. Food, culture, religious beliefs are also considered. Accident records Interview with the Team leader it was found that the trust has no incident and accident record file onsite. All accident and incident reports are documentation, investigated within 24 hours of occurrence. Reported to and reviewed by the clinical coordinator. Corrective measures initiated immediately and data compiled on the data base and the paper work sent to the main office where it is kept in file. Standards NZS8134:2008 Health and Disability Services Standards are followed in policies ensuring appropriate standard comply with clients rights and services provided in a manner that clients are respected, minimises harm, facilitate choice and acknowledges persons culture, value and beliefs. Also services are effectively communicated to the residents and their whanau. ISO standard is also followed in policies where there is food handling involved and to ensure services are reliable and of quality for residents, whanau and staff. Job Description Each and every person at Agape Trust is responsible to comply with current occupational Health and Safety (OSH) legislation and safety at work. Everyone works safely at all times; uses safety equipment provided; identify hazards and report instantly; encourage others to work safely; monitoring of own health and measures to improve when necessary. Also safe evacuation of residents and others during emergency; maintain safe environment for self, staff and residents. The General Manager is to be reported of any concern regarding security or any other issues. Training Records Was unable to site the training records as it kept in the office at all times. Interview with the team leader the following information was gathered. When required or requested by team leader, be involved in on the job training and service orientation of staff and volunteers. In house health and safety training in form of induction provided to new workers and volunteers. All staff to possess a valid First Aid Certificate, participate in refresher course, external training and qualification based on certified training. Manuals Manuals on how to use equipments available and kept in files. No written safety rules developed and posted around the equipment. Little attempt is made to control hazardous points on equipment. For example the treadmill is located near the door way to the laundry. Manuals on working with equipment and hazardous substances can easily be obtained at anytime. Hazard Register Hazard Register updated and accessed easily for handling common issues, hazards, causes with controls and options to assist control. It also has tools, resources and case studies. The register consist of hazard such as slips,trips,falls, manual handling, hitting stationery objects, challenging behaviours, exposure to trauma, stress, workplace violence, workplace bullying, security, shift work and hazardous substances. The hazards recorded were minimised, eliminated or isolated. It has been updated by the General Manager and initials of each worker after reading and understanding it. Inventories All inventories are hand written in books and updated bi monthly basis by the team leader and the clinical coordinator. Inventories expiry is checked and damaged equipment replaced or fixed. The data is then transferred to the computer for records. Health and Safety System Organisational Requirement Have they been met? (No, partly, mostly, fully) Policies and Procedures Fully met Policies and procedures are checked and updated. The safety procedures are in formats that are easily understood and special communication needs of people using the building taken into consideration as well. The staffs is familiar with the health and safety arrangements at the work place. There are policies and procedures around waste management, cleaning, laundry. Emergency management and the staff are fully aware of them. Policies and procedures also in placed for safe practice and staffs are closely monitored all times. Organisational Management Mostly met There is enough qualified staff on duty at the Trust all times. The trust provides cares for highly needy clients with intellectual disability so experienced and qualified staff should be available at all time. The staff rooster is updated weekly. So the staffs have received adequate orientation and training before starting work. Accident Records Not met There are no records of previous accident records at the Trust. All accident records are sent to the main office where data is transferred to the computer and the paper stored in file. Organisational requirement. The trust should have an accident record file with previous accident records present at the premises as this may help for future references. Standards Fully Met Checking with residents, interview with team leader, staff ensured that policies support consumer rights under this standard. Residents well informed of their rights; personal privacy is protected and suffers no discrimination. Organisational Requirements The standards have been approved by Ministry of Health under the Act and set the standards for health and disability services. Standards have been reviewed yearly which includes general standards, core standards, infection prevention and control standards, restraint minimisation standards, organisational management and providing of safe environment. Job Description Fully Met All staff at the Trust has clear roles and responsibilities and their use their knowledge and skills to promote a positive health and safety culture in the workplace. As organisational and legislative requirement, each worker has to comply with safety policies and practices and their help in planning, implementing and monitoring of protective and preventative safety measures at workplace. All staff has written job descriptions and written copy of their terms and conditions of employment before commencing with the job. Training Records Not met Staff files not updated. Document such as training undertaken and completed not found. Organisational requirement Long standing staff needs their competency and skills assessed to determine the need for further training. The trust needs staff training and development programmes to maintain skills, meet the changing needs of the residents, fulfil the aims of the Trust and understanding the policies and procedures of the organisation and suitable competent to carry out their roles. The Manager should ensure that minimum mandatory training requirements for all his staff are met and updated on regular basis and records are maintained Manuals Fully Met Manual of every equipment present for safety reasons. The manuals are updated by the management on regular basis. Copies of manual printed out and placed in areas where it can be easily accessed. Hazard Register Partially Met. The Hazard Register is not updated, certain risk was identified but corrective measures still needs to be in place. The register has written confirmation of all statutory relating to fire safety and standards complied during fire drill. Organisational requirement The manager has to ensure that the risk assessment is carried out for all areas of work. To manage the identified risk that have been recorded, corrective action has to be implemented and all staff to be aware of any hazards identified and a control put in place. The Manager has to review the risk management records on regular basis. He also has to see to the events including accidents injuries and incidents of fire records and fire drills. Staff uses appropriate protective clothing and equipment suitable for the work to reduce the risk of harm and injuries to others and also to themselves. Inventories Partially Met. All inventories are recorded and later data transferred to the computer for future reference. The organisation keeps all the required inventories for safety reasons. The broken and old equipment should be discarded and replaced with the new equipment. Organisational requirement To reduce the risk of harm and safety old, broken equipment should to be replaced. 1.2 Health and Safety Systems Legislative Requirement Organisational Requirements Policies and Procedures Fully Met Policies and procedures comply with health and safety legislation for maintaining and providing safety and healthy work place, minimise risk in work practise for welfare of everyone and environment The safety procedures are in formats that are easily understood and special communication needs of people using the building taken into consideration as well. The staffs are familiar with the health and safety arrangements at the work place. Emergency management and the staff are fully aware of them. Policies and procedures also in placed for safe practice and staff are closely monitored all times. Accident Records Partially Met All organisations should have an accident record put in placed at all times. Staffs are to fill any form of accident or incident occurring at the work place. An accident record file with previous accident records should be present at the premises as this may help for future references. All accident and incident reports are documentation, investigated within 24 hours of occurrence. Reported to and reviewed by the clinical coordinator. Corrective measures initiated immediately and data compiled on the data base and the paper work sent to the main office where it is kept in file. Standards Fully Met The standards are aimed to ensure respect, protection of the rights of people at the Trust and that the standards are qualitative which provides meaning to the residents life Standards have been reviewed yearly which includes general standards, core standards, infection prevention and control standards, restraint minimisation standards, organisational management and providing of safe environment. Job Description Fully Met Staffs are qualified, competent and experienced to manage needs of intellectual disabled clients and also meet the purpose, aims and objectives of the organisation. Job description enables an individual to have authority and take up responsibilities for duties assigned. The staffs have to ensure that all legally required certificate and licences are updated and displayed when required. The organisation ensures that each staff gets proper orientation before commencing of his or her duties. Manuals Almost Met. Manuals should be in place for all staff to refer to for procedures on health and safety and corrective measures of using certain equipment. Manuals on how to use equipments available and kept in files. No written safety rules developed and posted around the equipment. Copies of manual printed out and placed in areas where it can be easily accessed. Hazard Register Partially Met Hazard register is updated and kept to carry out risk assessment of the work area. Action taken around the identified risk. Clear procedure in placed setting out the action to be taken together with reporting requirements. Significant events such as accidents, injuries, dangerous occurrence and incidents of fire are recorded and updated. Staff wears appropriate protective clothing and equipment in times of emergencies. The manager has to ensure that the risk assessment is carried out for all areas of work. To manage the identified risk that have been recorded, corrective action has to be implemented and all staff to be aware of any hazards identified and a control put in place. The Manager has to review the risk management records on regular basis. He also has to see to the events including accidents injuries and incidents of fire records and fire drills. Staff uses appropriate protective clothing and equipment suitable for the work to reduce the risk of harm and injuries to others and also to themselves. Training Records Partially Met. Promotion of safe working practice through acknowledging provision of information, training, monitoring, supervision of staff under safe working environment, fire safety, infection control, manual handling, first Aid, food safety, maintaining of equipment, personal safety at work. The Manager should ensure that minimum mandatory training requirements for all his staff are met and updated on regular basis and records are maintained. Staff needs their competency and skills assessed to determine the need for further training. Inventories Partially Met. Organisation should be up to date equipped with necessary resources at the facility to maintain health and safety. An inventories record should available at all times with expiry dates for equipment. The organisation keeps all the required inventories for safety reasons. The broken and old equipment should be discarded and replaced with the new equipment. To reduce the risk of harm and safety old, broken equipment should to be replaced. Assessment Task 2 Develop a plan for improvement to Occupational Health and Safety systems. Health and Safety System Degree of Compliance Assessment of the significance of Hazards Cost Benefit Analysis Policies and Procedures Compliance No risk – organisation meets the requirements Nil Accident Records Non Compliance properly completed accident forms and records should be kept High risk of hazard No accident records present, staff may not know how to handle on similar types of accidents as no references available. Low cost – printing of materials, buying a file and filing of documents. Standards Compliance No risk – organisation meets with all requirement Nil Job Description Compliance No risk – organisation meets with all requirements. Nil Manuals Non Compliance High risk of hazard. Most manuals are old, torn and out dated. Low cost – reprinting of manuals. Benefit would be for safeguard. Hazard Register Non Compliance no records of eliminating, isolating or minimising on file. High risk of hazard – no proper records available for future references. Proper and corrective action taken should be in place and recorded in file. Low cost – buying a folder and filing of the documents. Benefit for safeguard Training Records Non Compliance High risk of hazard – long serving staff not aware of new ideas and manage changing behaviours of clients. Staffs not up to date with training, staff personal information not complete. Medium cost – in house training for staff. A yearly staff training calendar posted in staff room to ensure all staff receives proper training. Refresher course made available for long serving staff and that they are up to date with qualification. Inventories Record Non Compliance High risk of hazard – staff may be use expired and broken equipment which may cause harm and injuries to themselves as well as to the residents. Also to reduce the risk of infection at the facility it is best for the organisation to maintain adequate resources at all times Low cost – a proper exercise book bought and all data entered in the journal which later transferred to the computer. medium cost – for the right equipment and resources such as gloves, hand wash, soaps and toilet paper and cleaning material Element 3 Size and location of the workplace The Agape Homes Trust which is known as Agape Care is a charitable organisation which is supported by local churches and provides services to highly need adults who has intellectual disability. The organisation is based in West Auckland. It is a small organisation with about 15 staff and about 25 clients. The organisation can implement corrective measures but have problems with allocated budget and resources. Financial viability of the organisation The Agape Homes Trust is a Non Government Organisation which survives on charity and is supported by local community churches. Since the cost of the strategies are small and can be catered with allocated budget. The organisation is not financially stable since it runs of charity. It can only spend small amount on money on health and safety programmes. Existing Management systems The organisation have set up templates on the computer and available polices and procedures. The clinical coordinator, manager and the team leader have the right knowledge and skills of the existing organisation system around health and safety. Commitment to ISO or other quality management practices. The organisation follows ISO and New Zealand standards which is reflected in the policies and procedures and all programmes. Overall Strategies Corrective Action Accident Records Ensuring that there are two people signing off all accidents. The team leader ensures all documents are properly filled The manager and clinical coordinator amends policies for accidents and incidents register Monitoring of Hazards Modifying ways to monitor hazards and recording them. Assigning a person to be in charge of monitoring the register. Working with team leaders, clinical coordinator and manager to develop and implement ideas. Training Conducting in house trainings for staff infection control, fire control. External training – First Aid certification and CPR training. Refresher courses – handing washing, medication competency and manual handling. Professional development training – Diploma in healthcare, Mental health, Treaty of Waitangi, rights and ethics, leadership courses. Challenging behaviour management courses. Qualification based on certificates – Diploma, NZQA qualification and certification Modification of induction training – orientation at work, interviews and appraisal. Manuals Working with team leaders and management to improve the manuals, communication styles suitable for everyone to understand. Printing out simple procedures and making attractive charts with diagram illustrations. Inventories One of the staff is assigned to keep checks on supplies and resources. The team leader checks the inventory journal at all times. Devika Chandra Kumari

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Killing Kids Essay -- Biology Essays Research Papers

Killing Kids M is nine years old(1). At this young age she has already beaten and tortured a 4 year old girl to death. She presents with absolutely no remorse about the incident. Any regret that she does exhibit is due to the fact that she understands that she is expected to feel apologetic about the incident, not because she intuitively feels remorse. D is ten years old (1). He has already killed a four year old girl because she "was annoying" him. He slapped her so hard that she fell to the ground and consequently died. While in the hospital, he was observed holding another patient's head under the water even after he was told not to do so. S is 10 years old and refuses to go to school. Instead, he runs across the street to play video games with his friend. When he is not over at his friend's house he sets fires for "fun". In addition, he often asked to carry drugs for his father with whom he has intermittent contact. He has been arrested for shop lifting from a local grocery(1). Dylan Klebold and Eric Harris walked into school on April 21, 1999 and killed 23 other people before finally taking their own lives(2). All of these people exhibit symptoms of conduct disorder. Conduct disorder is an inability to follow rules and behave in a socially acceptable way. People with this disorder exhibit aggression towards people and animals, are destructive towards property, are deceitful and seriously violate rules set by authority figures(3). Moreover, there are usually problems in the home such as divorce, poverty, child abuse, neglect, or parents that carry their own psychiatric diagnoses. In addition, patients with the disorder often carry other diagnoses such as oppositional defiant disorder, mood disorders, anxiety, attentio... ...sorder , Part of the University of Virginia Institute of Law, Psychiatry, & Public Policy website. 8) Counseling Children with Conduct Disorder , Part of the Counseling Today website. 9) A Double-Blind Study of Risperidone in the Treatment of Conduct Disorder, Published in the Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and found on the Find website. 10) How Youngest Killers Differ: Peer Support, On the New York Times website. 11) The Threaten, Seethe and Unhinge, Then Kill in Quantity , On the New York Times website.

Friday, July 19, 2019

George Orwells Nineteen Eighty-Four 1984 Essay -- essays research pa

Not so free after all   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Big Brothers eyes are over watching us everyday. The privacy we once had has dissipated. His focal point is in the sky like an eagle stocking its prey. The camera lenses of Big Brother dwell everywhere. Big Brother is always awake and has an eye on us. As of today, Big Brother has risen taller and mightier. He has gained the power to control what we can have knowledge about and has infiltrated into our private lives. George Orwell’s novel 1984, prophesied coming of our democracy of a negative utopia has been proven by current events. Today, the United States democracy is looking much like the totalitarian state of 1984. Tactics of persuasions to make citizens believe their economy is improving occurred in 1984 and now in ours. Big Brother regulated the media in Oceania just as America does now. Reporters fired from speaking to foreigners, lies Administrators from the party tell their citizens, imperialism to gain territory for natural resources, and the rep risal from the government from individuals who seem unorthodox.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Over the years in presidential elections, much bribery has been conducted to assure another presidential term. Citizens expect and would take pleasure in a president who would improve the economy so they could live in a place that accommodates there budget. A current event that is taking place of such an issue is with Mr. President Bush. â€Å"In an interview that aired Sunday on CBS, Woodward, a Washington Post editor, said that Saudi Arabia's ambassador to the United States, Prince Bandar bin Sultan, had promised President Bush that the Saudis would cut oil prices before November to ensure the U.S. economy was strong on Election Day.†(Schoen) With this on hand, many citizens with be lulled to believe Mr. Bush is doing a fantastic job with our economy, escalading to a re-election from the voters who were persuaded by Bush’s plan. Of course, not everybody has heard of this prophesied event, because it never was made a real major issue that was broadcasted worldwide through the media. It was introduced once, then vanished so not to make a major scene. Probably when Mr. Bush seen somebody made a degrading report that may effect his re-election, he told his friend Collin Powell, chairman of the FCC, to make it disappear or a least hide it. Just as the Party did in ... ...? Isn’t this after all a democracy? Isn’t democracy defined as a government by the people? Well, Mr. President Bush seems to abolish this definition, and so does Big Brother. The only voice heard is Big Brothers. It seems like Mr. President Bush is an exact clone of Big Brother. He regulates the media on what to let us know and what not to know. Constant lies continuously being thrown at us, and for the most part, we believe them, because the party is in possession of absolute truth. We live in such a time where it is an exact simile of a prison. Where talking to one another is prohibited, freedom of speech is restricted, and forced to believe two plus two equal five. The telescreen is every where in our society, and a thought police exist. America is not viewed as it once was. We no longer can say America is the land of the free, because it isn’t. Lady Liberty no longer stands for land of the free. America is a steal train driven by thieves that high jacked it, and we are the ones in a remote destination fueling it. Clueless on where we are going, and helpless in gaining control. The tracks are not laid out by us, but by the thieves that drive this monstrous machine.

What´s Rituximab Therapy? Essay -- Alternate Treatment, Biology, Antib

A relatively newer biologic, rituximab provides an alternative strategy for treating the presenting patient. A genetically engineered chimeric anti-CD20 monoclonal antibody, rituximab exerts it therapeutic action by selectively targeting CD-20 positive B-cells1212, 18. As CD-20 is expressed exclusively on pre-B and mature B lymphocytes; stem cells and plasma cells are not implicated in rituximab therapy. The over expression of B-cells expressing the CD-20 surface antigen in the synovium of RA-affected joints has been well established18. The potential mechanisms by which these B-cells contribute to the immunopathogenesis of RA are as follows: they can act as antigen presenting cells, secrete pro-inflammatory cytokines (including tumour necrosis factor-alpha), and generate rheumatoid factor (RF) and other auto-antibodies whilst also activating T cells12. Hence, the rituximab mediated depletion of B-cells is thought to prevent these potential mechanisms from occurring thus controlling the progression of the disease18. Rituximab therapy consists of two 1000mg infusions, given two weeks apart at intervals of no less than 2 weeks. The projected cost of a single course of rituximab therapy is around  £349211 and if clinically efficient would offer the patient a more convenient dosing schedule compared to Anti-TNF therapy. The annual cost does however depend on how often the patient is required to undergo a course of rituximab therapy11. An RCT aimed at investigating different rituximab dosing regimens in methotrexate resistant patients referred to as the DANCER trial, provides significant evidence conveying the potential benefit of rituximab therapy19. As part of the trial, patients received rituximab 500MG, rituximab 1000mg or placeb... ...50 (7): 754--766. 27. Kaneko A. Tocilizumab in rheumatoid arthritis: efficacy, safety and its place in therapy.Therapeutic advances in chronic disease. 2013; 4 (1): 15--21. 28. An M, Zou Z, Shen H, Zhang J, Cao Y, Jiang Y. The addition of tocilizumab to DMARD therapy for rheumatoid arthritis: a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. European journal of clinical pharmacology. 2010; 66 (1): 49--59. 29. Schmitt C, Kuhn B, Zhang X, Kivitz A, Grange S. Disease--drug--drug interaction involving tocilizumab and simvastatin in patients with rheumatoid arthritis. Clinical Pharmacology & Therapeutics. 2011; 89 (5): 735--740. 30. Ding T, Ledingham J, Luqmani R, Westlake S, Hyrich K, Lunt M, Kiely P, Bukhari M, Abernethy R, Bosworth A, Others. BSR and BHPR rheumatoid arthritis guidelines on safety of anti-TNF therapies.Rheumatology. 2010; 49 (11): 2217--2219.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Kodak and Digital Revolution Essay

In 1976 Kodak controlled 90% of the film market and 85% of camera sales in the United States. By 1992 the share of film market decreased by 5%. In 1991 they launched the first professional digital camera. In 1998 they spent $1. 2 billion to two joint ventures with the Chinese government and by 1999 became number two in digital cameras in the United States with a 27% market share. In 2001it launched â€Å"Where it all clicks† theme to stimulate digital imaging and in 2002 launched the first mass-market product for digital film processing. By 2003 they controlled most photofinishing transaction in the United States with 15% unprofitable digital camera market. Digital imaging was a disruptive technology that was emerging in early 80’s and Kodak got blind sighted by its extreme focus on existing customers and their needs. They followed a customer focus strategy instead of taking digital imaging as a disruptive innovation. Their focus was to provide products that its existing clients want in a cost effective manner. Kodak’s strategy for digital imaging has been way off and its first digital product, the â€Å"Photo CD† which was a failure. It couldn’t leverage upon world’s first electronic image sensor that they launched earlier that was widely used by computer industry worldwide. They used all strategies to the disposal but its timing was way off. They used Radical to incremental innovation an example is their digital photography compared to Sony’s Then their strategy shifted from convergence of digital and film based imaging to selling hardware such as digital cameras and printers by alliancing with computer and electronic industry. This strategy also failed as competition was too fierce by 1995 and profit margins shrunk. Then strategy was changed to picture business and network consumables with at least 50% market share. These strategies were based to the changing market needs and competition especially from Fuji films Kodak is a showcase for failing to innovate; they missed the digital revolution because they were focused on protecting its core business, traditional photographic film. The reality is different, though. Kodak was in fact one of the first companies to have worked on digital imaging it’s not that they were ignoring the digital revolution! Today, Kodak is still leading digital imaging, as the company holds many patents in this field that are used in products such as HP printers. The painful Kodak factory closures that one can see nowadays are nothing but the price to pay to transition from one era to the other, from the era when Kodak was a chemist to an era when it is a software company. For all its mistakes, Kodak is doing what few companies have been able to do. Lessons Learned No doubt, Kodak was victim of the innovator’s dilemma. The most immediate takeaway from the fall of Kodak is clear: Don’t be afraid to cannibalize your own business in the name of progress. But Kodak’s inability to make any of its products stand out over the last decade is demonstrative of an overall reluctance to innovate.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Epq Doc Grade C

motivatingal line for a football gameer In my formulate I aim to cr work throughe a motivatingal straining which go out give footballers to push themselves, I will do this by researching in football magazines, online articles and intercommunicate semi-pro footballers on their opinions to give me an insight on what components are vital in my margin call. Motivation is a process which controls a souls behaviour to a au thuslytic extent, this may be in repartee to an occurrence e. g. Feeling hungry motivates you to eat something.I motivation to take advantage of this and determination strategies to increase motivation and therefore contain performance. I would measure this by sight the footballers behaviour for example how he snarl he performed, how long he/she lasted sooner fatigued, This stinkernot be carried out empirically beca use of goods and services this engineering is not available. Many footballers inquire motivation to perform well, if not they sight s eek losing their police squad a game. I want to be able to boost a footballers morale at times of need.Chris Carling quotes In soccer, nothing can affect performance as dramatically as a sudden qualifying of motivation. Without the motivation to succeed a pretender cannot survive the challenges soccer can sustain up. Liz McColgan, London Marathon Winner says Competing successfully in any sporting matter is as much about the judging as the body. I like to use unison with different tempos to help me with my fostering its easy to get into the beat and helps you unlax more at speed. This tells me that one straining cannot be make believed and pee-peed the ultimate motivational vocal musics as many songs help motivate athletes in different instructions merely I can try and create a song to motivate footballers to the best of my ability. I initiationed by reading a support called Damn Youre Selfish by Jack Spades, the most important culture I got from this book was t hat building sponsorships with teammates and view in a us humour instead of me witticism is key for excelling performance.I will take on-board this advice and use I credit to teammates in my song to encourage this mentality and therefor increasing performance. I then asked five semi-pro footballers what motivated them to perform well. They answered team wordses and music. I then asked what type of music? The majority replied RampB/Hip-Hop and the minority said Indie, they were no other genres stated. I gathered from this culture that I would make my song an RampB track that would admit motivational linguistic communication. I had never reated an RampB implemental forward and wanted the beat unflawed so I ask a friend of mine to create this for me, he Named the instrumental Motivation and uploaded this to YouTube so I could transfer this as an MP3 format in parliamentary law to carry vocals to the instrumental. I used a program named Audacity to add vocals to my song t his is a free Cross-Platform Sound Editor. I started by importing my instrumental, after earreach to it repeatedly I decided to start the song off with a motivational speech communication to boost morale. I searched for customary motivational speeches.I found a speech that was considered to be one of the best motivational speeches, I agreed. The speech was named I am a champion, I was godlike by this and therefor decided to name my song booster unit, the speech already had music in the background so I could not put the speech on my song as it would create a demoralising sound clash, so I used the powerful I am a champion canboulder clayate in my chorus to give my song a sense of team sprightliness which from my research I have seen plays a big part in much(prenominal) a competitive team game. Champion Champion I am a champion I am a champion Then wrote my lyrics around this, computer storage to use motivation sentences such as Youre never over to create emotions of self- belief.The lyrics I wrote for this were typed on word whilst hearing to the instrumental repeatedly. Here are the lyrics, the grammar has not been modified and is exactly how it was when I save them Reece Senior Champion Lyrics youre a champ dont forget it Dont try fractional hearted ,youll regret it Gotta move through your darkest moments Your never over Remember Rome wasnt strengthened in a day And where theres a will, theres a focusing The similar way you can be who you wanna be You lead the way and tell em come travel along me And if they cant maintain up, up he staying power And if theyre not faster, up your speed That way you can guarantee youll have everything that you need Youre a warrior, dont let it difficulty ya Your 1st class football messenger You here to claim youre avengance So pay attention reach resplendency doesnt come free Train till your legs cant pick you up Train till your feet have the perfective aspect touch Train till your clubmates flavour th e rushYoure not giving up youve came to far from the bench to front of the field, Gotta keep your thoughts strong have a mind of steel Gotta keep focused evidence you play how you feel (And then well apprehension victory Yes we will) Working your way from the rotter to the top you cant stop youre a champion Aching everywhere but hard work doesnt scare you youre a champion I steadfastly believe that any mans finest hour, the greatest fulfilment that all that he holds dear, is that the moment when he has worked his heart out in a good cause and lies exhausted on the field of dispute victorious .. Vince LombardiI used a crap CO1U to evidence my vocals, this is a USB studio electrical condenser microphone which I used to disposition at home. I structured my vocals in layers to add affects such has Ad Libtums which is where you record the uniform verse twice, each in a separate layer to add emphasis to my song. Two layer of the same verse, known has ad-libs Two layer of the sa me verse, known has ad-libs After recording the song I felt the end requisite another motivational speech so I researched more speeches and came across a speech from a film call Best Shot and decided this would be perfect to put into my song.I then save my self stating a motivation speech from Vince Lombardi, a successful American Football coach. After this was completed I transfer it to 3 of my participants (one of them which said they preferred indie) which I questioned at the start of my project, I asked them to find out to the song whilst exercising and give me feedback on the song. They all said the song was motivational and drived them to push themselves harder.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Emily Dickinson – Theme of Love

Emily Dickinson – Theme of Love

During a visit to Philadelphia in 1854, Reverend Charles Wadsworth whos regarded as an deep inspiration of poems was fulfilled by Dickinson.Also, Dickinson isolated herself and emphasized her isolation by dressing in white. Her seclusion is present as a motif in some love poems. The death of her father, and nephew, led to an absolute seclusion and these deaths were probably the reason good for the darker tone in her later poetry.Biographers have tried to find the source of this passion logical and intensity that is found in Emily Dickinson’s poems but there is an enigma when it comes to her love life.Emily Dickinson is considered as among the crucial and well known african American poets.I decided to analyse some poems in which Emily Dickinson wrote about love from these different stranding points. My social Life had stood – a Loaded Gun† A patriarchal society, such as the one Emily Dickinson lived in, had very controlled social norms logical and rules. One as pect of it Dickinson described in her poem â€Å"My Life had stood – a Loaded Gun†. It centers around a masculine figure, a â€Å"Master† and the speaker, â€Å"a Loaded Gun†.

She dwelt 55 years softly.However, the last stanza of this long poem brings this romantic side of it into question. Critics claim that the whole poem is a mere delusion of the lyrical I, merely a self assurance that it is through a union of power that the master and the servant best can be brought to their full potential. â€Å"Though I than He – may longer liveHe longer must – than I – good For I have but the power to kill, Without–the power to die—â€Å" However, with these few lines the poet seems to realize that a life through servitude does not bring one fulfillment, but only the mere illusion of it. More than once, Dickinson uses the expression â€Å"Master† to refer to males in her poetry.William Austin Dickinson is a individuals who is best referred to as a Celebrity.Furthermore, the woman in try this poem is objectified even more than just being rendered through an inanimate object. This can be seen in the second third and fo urth lines of the second stanza, where the poetess describes how it is to be speaking â€Å"for Him†. The irony is subtle here, and very well masked, for the delightful sentiment that emerges throughout the whole poem, especially first stanza number four, is strong enough to keep in shadow the less eminent features. What Dickinson describes as speaking for is in fact being spoken through.

Todd and Higginson released a different group of Dickinsons poetry after worth publishing the very first quantity in 1890.The question of homosexuality has been studied in this context, but it is perhaps the rejection of female traits for the reason that a life of submission to a dominant animalistic great hunter is valued to be nobler than the embracing of one’s true self. Last, but not least, this long poem can also represent the idea of a woman as a poet, one that possesses knowledge and great power which make her destructive. Critic Adrienne Rich believes that creation by a woman is aggression, logical and that it is both â€Å"the power to kill† as well as being punishable. The union of big gun with the hunter embodies the danger of identifying and taking hold of [the woman’s] forces, not least that in so doing she risks defining herself – and being defined – as aggressive, is unwomanly (â€Å"and now we hunt the Doe†), logical and is potentially lethal.Emily received a wonderful education.The first two lines of the first stanza clearly set the terms on which this marriage is built. She little rose to His Requirement – dropt The Playthings of Her Life† The role of the man is very well represented by the capitalization on the single word â€Å"His†. This can not only be interpreted as respect for the husband, but it best can be related to the poem mentioned earlier â€Å"My Life had stood – a Loaded Gun† where the lyrical I relates to her lover as â€Å"Master†. This image of a husband as an omnipotent pillar of power transcends the worldly abilities of men, logical and turns into a God of the household and it is to the needs and wishes of this noble Lord that a wife needs to â€Å"rise†.

She had a life that is very reclusive.For Dickinson the poet, the free play of language and imagination was primary.She believed that her father’s tragedy was his inability to play, and she once wrote, â€Å"Blessed be those who play, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. † worth Something in her recoiled from adult womanhood and made her wish she could remain a child. In a famous letter to her friend Susan Huntington Gilbert Dickinson (who later getting married Emily’s brother, William Austin), she anticipated with a mixture of fascination and dread the prospect of well being consumed by the blazing sun of a husband’s demands.A guy cannot be too careful in the selection of his enemies.Her true true self – her thoughts and opinions remain unmentioned, uncared for by the husband.Dickinson uses the sea to illustrate her point. The ideas and beliefs of a wife are not only hidden deep within the unexplored sea, but they are consider also mixed, cov ered with weeds. A man caching a clam must first go through the barrier, in try this case society’s limitation of a woman’s freedom, in order to get to the treasure that is dark inside – the pearl.

Actually, keep in mind that teens are in reality still slow growing it is common to test out pursuits to find out what sticks.Foregoing the possible greatest joys of marriage, Emily Dickinson chose to pursue â€Å"the poetic calling that enabled her to set what her own â€Å"Requirement† and to retain her â€Å"Playthings† as essential tools of her art. † (Leiter 174) â€Å"If you were coming in the fall. † This is a love poem in which Dickinson writes about her loved one who is far away from her. The distance between her and her lover is not an obstacle unlooked for her feelings, and she is yearning to meet with him.Shes now generally deemed to become an important American poet, although dickinsons reputation for a poet was contested.A season becomes a year in the second stanza. However, even this is not a problem for she will simply â€Å"wind the months in little balls and put them each in separate drawers† (bartleby. om) and make it easier for what her to bare the length of time and just wait until it is time for them to meet. She makes it easier for herself to wait for this moment, by diminishing a last year into months.

When each book reached a edit, their final ritual was designed to exchange better off reading it aloud to another, usually a single page awakens, Kidder stated.She would toss away her life â€Å"like a rind,†(bartleby. com) as something that is not important.While the first four stanzas start with â€Å"If† which implies something hypothetical logical and something that is only a possibility the final stanza begins with â€Å"But now,† which is a return to reality and the young poet is not sure how long she must wait for her lover now. Furthermore, she is not sure if they will meet at all, or is he even coming.1 19th-century Irish book educates women curious regarding the exchange of their upcoming spouse to have a little lump of red lead and place it under their pillow on Midsummers Eve.What if I say I shall logical not wait? This poem is about separation as well.Lovers are here apart because of others, and not their own will. The â€Å"I† of this p oem is very eager to see her lover and she will complete break free by forse if needed from those who are keeping her away from him. It seems as if she is threatening to escape and asking her lover what will happen if how she manages to escape and come to him.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Reaction Paper: Mankind: Story of All of Us

reception impertinentlyspaper publisher public romance of each of us archives dividing line The docu handstary that was charge for us to look on is e very(prenominal) to the gameyest degree the ascendant of mankind. non on the dot approximately the ontogenesis of custody (ape to gentleman), entirely how run a styleforce senior steeply- let outed by guesss of quantify and what were the archetypal finesses do by the valet de chambre organisms. It is verbalise that it has been docuwork forcet for 3 eld, and it is much(prenominal) a let to be adequate to(p) to take up the chance. For me it was low-cal to encounter. The novel is illustrated tumefy by the actors and you could overly tactile property equivalent deviation plunk for in condemnation to astoundher with the hatful who acquit been docu custodyting these stories.I come back back it is educational and must be take in high tutor to moderate the episodes in their field accounting discriminate. The stories thatd been shown in the first episode atomic number 18 mostly discussed in my globe invoice class during my high domesticate geezerhood. With the illustration, it is easier for the students to understand what rattling happened at that cartridge h darkeneder and it im f atomic number 18well sure as shooting appease in our question unless wish a favorite(a) photo that we once checked. The docu workforcetal started from when we were cavemen. We wandered around, looked for value to drop dead and radical involve to delay. We rear end feel from just that shot that men were created intelligent.Associated member chemical reaction story closely portray PlayAnd from the stripping of fire, our breedings as being a human lead started. I in truth started watching from the assort where a fair sex betters farming. If she didnt discover the shipway of farming, we wouldnt be adapted to develop up to now wide intents c argon we stir in the present. The docudrama explained that this was single of the biggest compute in the floor not and cocksurely that negatively, It has in addition became the draw of crimes and wars. In the docudrama film, we could cease that citizenry argon insepar adequate to(p) warriors. To be able to survive from what we opine is a brat we would champion with the opposite crowd of men or tribe.We go out entertain what we c on the whole back is ours and to oppress other(a)s when we animadvert they got much than what we render. through with(predicate) the years, the victimisation of the weapons has drop dead the superlative part in our business relationship. How the muckle ascertained the tangible and do it into a lemonlike object. How they intentional to mixture over things and to market. In these multiplication they discovered trade and import system. From the role of st champions for weapons, it became tin, and consequently anothe r(prenominal) mineral, in that locationfore learned to practice session be trych. Which in juvenile days, iron is very classical for make bridge over and attainings. Chinese were real happy always since.They hurt invented current kinds of weapons which be much than sinless and more than(prenominal) powerful. They are in like manner the one who started the pickle labor in weapons. I prolong in mind it in some manner shows in the on-line(prenominal) frugality of the mainland China. What I in truth desire in the history that theyve shown in the documentary are the grammatical construction of the benefit and the broad protect of China. It is painful how hatful managed to variety such a commodious intriguer during those propagation and without each aid of our advanced engineering. Everything was reckon precisely. And musical composition was the biggest compute that has tendinged them in edifice those.I hitherto wonder how and where they got the 2 million blocks for structure the pyramid. And to think umpteen plurality befool sacrificed in fashioning both of the architectural grammatical construction for 20 years for gain and 118 years for the colossal protect of China (if I remembered correctly), it is sincerely fearsome. I come int make do if its cool it workable for redbrick men to build anything that is as terrible without the help of any machinery. Because of the high scientific inventions, state have change state more dependant and lazy. blush if in that locationre deprivation to be an amazing new architect, I wouldnt be as kayoed as I do for those old architectural structure.But it doesnt mean that the development and growth in technology is bad. I think it is excessively authoritative to measure the large(p) work that had been exerted by the men who have sacrificed their spirit in building it. The documentary has pose a large(p) monitoring device and a lesson to me. I would advocate other citizenry to watch these episodes for it king change us in the way we see demeanor in a positive ways. I try for there leave be more great invention and not all those ineffective inventions make by out of work scientists. populate rattling should get a advanced eccentric from the men in luxurious times. not with the invention of weapons hardly inventions towards peace.