Monday, September 30, 2019

Cultural Differences, Usa and Masai’s Essay

There were many cultural differences between the Masai’s and the U.S. The fundamental difference I notice was their simplicity. They think that every big celebration and every tragedy that people go thru in their lives should be celebrated or minimized by the gift of cows. I think that the fundamental similarity between our cultures is the need to help those in need, compassion. When September 11th. happened the whole nation was shocked and hurt. Even those who didn’t have family in the twin towers felt the need to help. The same happened with the Masai tribe, they didn’t have the money or the resources to help us with, but they had what they thought was the next best thing; cows. The U.S government took 3 years to decide what to do with the gift received from the Masai’s. The Masai’s were already feeling disrespected and hurt about the lack of interest on their gift. It is their culture to hand out cows as gifts and for them it is an amazing gift to receive a cow. It’s what they know and it was passed down to them from their ancestors. It won’t change and it is already established. I think the appreciation of what other people try to do to help is one fact that interconnect the U.S to the Masai’s. After we received the cows from them we decided to use the gift to try to help them with education, and they were very grateful. Another fact could be the decision making. In the U.S the big decisions are made by the government, in the Masai tribe the decisions are made by the elders. It is like they have their own form of government. I don’t think the intention of the author was to make fun of the Masai’s but in a certain way it makes them seem like a joke. When he writes about the Masai women dancing and celebrating the 5th. Year anniversary of the September 11, he says that not a way to show sympathy but ok. Well it is their way to cope with tragedy and it might look disrespectful to us but it isn’t. they were nothing but kind and sympathetic to what we were going thru. Their way of showing it might be different but it isn’t wrong.

Music Production Essay

Over the past few decades, electronic music and its respective genres have revolutionized the music industry by creating new styles of music that have evolved the aesthetics of the popular songs we hear today. The process of composing today’s music via a computer and software has become infinitely more efficient compared to traditional recording, which mainly uses acoustic instruments and â€Å"old-school hardware†. The process of composition has been stream-lined and revolutionized over the recent years, thus opening more doors for artists’ originality and creativity. To learn the ropes of music production, one can learn to be a producer by attending recording or music school. However recording school is not for everyone, It can be too expensive for some and too â€Å"academic† for others. A music producer’s job can be as easy as sitting on the couch listening and nodding and as active as controlling the mixer as well as calibrating the equipment for a vocalist. Good music producers understand every aspect of studio production. They also have a very good ear and a well-rounded knowledge of how voices and instruments produce recordable sound. One thing virtually all ‘computer generated’ music has in common is the use of samples. Samples are sound bytes, anywhere from really small blips to lengthy ambient noises, sometimes spanning the entire length of the song. The triggering of samples in an interesting way is what creates the rhythm and atmosphere of the song. Most electronic drum beats consist entirely of triggered samples. A sampler is a program or device which is used to record and trigger sound samples, usually included in the main production software. These devices are the heart of today’s electronic music; they are the engines which produce the actual sounds you hear. Changing and manipulating sounds is the key to capturing the listener’s attention. Effects have always played a major role in not just electronic music, but across all genres. The difference is that with electronic music, the listener will usually accept more layers of background effects than as with other types of music. Effects are used to take basic sounds and variate them in an interesting and sonically enhancing manner. Some of the common effects producers use include reverberation (reverb), echo, flange, chorus, and distortion. When you first start producing music, or even if you have been making music for decades, you will find that it is a challenge to turn one’s ideas directly into a song! (AllCrunchy 1) When it comes to what you physically need to be a music producer, a computer is naturally a must-have piece of hardware. One can produce a good sounding track with almost any kind of modern computer. A DAW (Digital Audio Workstation) is also a requirement. The DAW is a software environment in which you create and compose the music and it is one of the most essential components in one’s music studio. To put it simply, it’s music making software. VST (Virtual Studio Technology) synthesizers and effects are also a must if you’re going to start making music digitally with a computer. VSTi’s (VST instruments) are virtual synthesizers that produce different kind of sounds. You can use them just like you would use real hardware , only difference being that they’re software and you install them just like any other application, then open them within a DAW to compose melodies and make music. The most common thing that prevents beginners from getting a full sounding song is not filling the â€Å"box† that is volume, panning, and frequency. The typical situation is this: as more and more sounds are layered together, the audio may start to â€Å"clip†. (Clipping is a form of waveform distortion that occurs when an amplifier is over-driven and attempts to deliver an output voltage or current beyond its maximum capability) Therefore, one would turn the gain down on the each channel of the mixer so it doesn’t clip. But then, it sounds quiet. In order to fix this, compression and (EQ) equalization come in to play. Another issue novice producers may face is when too many conflicting frequencies are overlapping in a mix. As a result of overlapping sounds, the song may sound â€Å"muddy†. To prevent mud, you must consciously keep in mind what range of frequencies you are adding with each new part. Frequencies will overlap, no matter what instruments you choose. A lot of VST instrument plugins have presets that sound very good on their own, but when thrown together with other presets, they clash. A lot of these presets are full sounding, filling up a lot of low and high end. Unless you carve out the clashing frequencies using EQ, you will get a muffled, muddy sound when throwing presets together. For example, two bass sounds on top of each other will interfere, resulting in a strange sounding phase effect. If you want to use two instruments that use up the same frequency spectrum, you’ll want to carve out the highs on one and carve out the lows on the other equalizer. The end result of adding equalization and modifying volume should add up to a track with a full, clear sound.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

How to write a essay Essay

Getting into college could be as easy as memorizing the alphabet just like a preschooler. But, getting into college with a scholarship is a whole different thing. From the thousands of college applicants aiming for a scholarship, how will you make your essay application stand out? There are millions of essay examples over the internet but, you need to come up with an essay that will get you that scholarship. Tips on How to Write a Good Scholarship Essay: 1. Read instructions carefully College application can become a common thing for you. You might actually get the feeling of doing the same thing over and over like answering the same question for the nth number of times. No matter how similar college applications are, you have to read and understand the instructions well. If you want to land on a good school for college with a scholarship, everything starts with reading and comprehending the instructions. 2. Organize your thoughts After reading the instructions, it’s time to line up your thoughts to make an effective essay that will get you that scholarship. Look for essay samples on the internet or in books. Have a sort of survey from resources that will help you fill in the contents of your essay. It is difficult to start writing an essay, but with organized ideas, you can do it efficiently and effectively. 3. Make an outline When you get a general idea of the essay contents, you can now make an outline of specific details that will be included in your composition. Essay examples usually present general ideas down to the specific. Having an outline is very helpful to keep your essay consistent and focused on a particular topic. 4. Discuss every topic based on the instruction Paying attention to details or instructions is actually part of writing the essay for a scholarship application. Make sure that every topic asked in the essay questions is discussed in the whole composition. Remember that you only have one chance of writing an essay that will make a lasting impression on your college application. 5. Use simple language format and make sure your grammar is perfect Do not try to impress readers of your essay. Even if you are in college, you are not expected to use highfaluting words, but rather make your sentences simple and clear. No matter how technical your vocabulary is but poor grammar is an indication of a lousy essay. 6. Avoid bragging about your achievements Although it is important that you include your achievements as this will help your scholarship application, however you only need to do this if you are asked to do so. Avoid bragging, instead, talk about your achievements simply. It is also good to include the lessons you have learned in gaining such success. 7. Have someone edit and check your work To ensure that you are submitting an essay that will get you the scholarship, have an expert check your work. An editor or a previous professor can help you improve and validate how excellent or poor your essay is. Essay Writing First paragraph — Introduction The first paragraph is essential in capturing the attention of your readers. It is called an introduction as it gives an overview of what your essay is all about. The first paragraph should be similar to an â€Å"About Me† part of a reading material. Make it as simple as possible and dynamically connected to your next point. Second Paragraph – Important Details The second paragraph should support your introduction. This section includes more detail and usually the start of elaboration for every point or question. Say for example, state reasons why you should qualify for the scholarship; state your accomplishments; why are you choosing a particular course and the like. Third paragraph – Future Goals The third paragraph should speak of your future goals and your vision after pursuing a college degree. Goals have to be specific, and should reflect an action plan after your college graduation. Fourth paragraph – The Best Candidate End your essay by stating reasons why you are the best candidate to be chosen for the scholarship. State two to three main points from the previous paragraphs. Do not forget to note your appreciation for the readers of your essay for taking the time to read your essay. Composing your ideas and putting them in writing is never easy. It can be stressful and puts on a lot of pressure, especially when your future depends on this essay for a scholarship grant. There are many essay examples you can find on the web today.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Analysis of The Legal Profession Research Paper

Analysis of The Legal Profession - Research Paper Example Several factors have to lead to these changes including debates on whether the legal profession has become more inclined on the commercialism aspect, rather than professionalism. According to Richard Susskind’s article ‘Legal profession is on the brink of fundamental change’, he views that: â€Å"The challenge is not to assess how commoditization and IT might threaten the current work of lawyers so that the traditional ways can be protected and changed avoided. It is to find and embrace better, quicker, less costly, more convenient and publicly valued ways of working.’2 In discussing commercialism, one view is: What was remarkable this time was that the leadership of the organized bar made commercialism a central concern of its rhetoric about declining professionalism and that the resulting crusade struck such a responsive chord among the bar as a whole. ‘In the past, progressive jurists and liberal law professors have chastised the bar for becoming more of a business than a learned, public-oriented profession, and leaders of the bar have sometimes pointed out that a few lawyers (â€Å"ambulance chasers†) have succumbed to the profit motive.’3 However, despite this negative perception of the legal profession, many young students are drawn to the profession of traditional lawyering because of the prestige and honor attributed to full-fledged lawyers, knowing that they can serve the community and the country for humanitarian causes. II. Duties and Responsibilities The legal profession covers several responsibilities for the practicing or supervising lawyer, paralegals, legal assistants or law students. The legal profession is considered teamwork composed of lawyers, paralegals, legal researchers, and the legal staff. In order for a law firm to succeed in every case assigned to it, their lawyers must be able to present well- researched and valid defenses in asserting their claims during the trial proper or when filin g complaints. The secret to winning in the legal battlefield requires tedious concentration by putting time and effort in the rigorous work of research, interviews, and gathering of evidence. These tasks cannot be delegated to the lawyer alone. An attorney needs all the help he can get from paralegals and legal assistants working with him to build up the pieces of evidence needed for every case. It is expected the lawyers delegate some of their responsibilities to a paralegal or legal assistant in order to concentrate during the presentation of evidence in court or conducting interviews with the clients. Hence, it is a given fact that a lawyer’s success in every litigation case that he handles is attributed to the impeccable research work and above reproach investigative skills his or her paralegal or a legal assistant.

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Meeting the Challenge through External Audit Essay

Meeting the Challenge through External Audit - Essay Example To prepare the research paper, data has been collected from various secondary sources such as, internet journals and academic websites. The basic premise of the research is to generate an understanding about fraud and role of external audit; how frauds have taken place in Canadian organizations, its impact and the limitations of external audit to face the problems of fraudulent activities. Table of Contents Research Paper Outline 2 Table of Contents 3 Introduction 4 The Duty of External Auditor 5 Fraud in Canadian Organizations 7 Challenges of External Audit 10 Conclusion 13 Introduction Fraud can be defined as a planned activity which is intended to betray other party. It results in sufferance of the victim through loss and accomplishment of any gain by the doer. Fraud is any unlawful act characterized by dishonesty, concealment or breach of faith. However, fraud does not mean any threat of bloodshed or physical force to deceive. It is committed by human beings and organizations to acquire money, assets or services and to evade fee or protect individual or corporate benefits. From the auditor’s viewpoint fraud is the misrepresentation of a company’s financial statement. The misrepresentation can happen because of fraudulent financial statement or embezzlement of asset. ... France or revelation of data (Thornton, â€Å"Managing Fraud Risk: The Audit Committee Perspective†) The Duty of External Auditor The duty of external auditor is to manage the fraud. According to statement on Auditing Standard No. 99 (SAS 99) the external auditor needs to: Collect requisite information to recognize the risks of material misrepresentation Recognize the threat of material misrepresentation Evaluate the risks of fraud React to the consequences of evaluation Examine the audit verification Share any proof of fraudulent activity to interested parties, and File the reflection of auditor regarding fraud (Thornton, â€Å"Managing Fraud Risk: The Audit Committee Perspective†). It is the duty of external auditor to identify the fraud and detect any kind of unlawful activity by any organization. In order to detect the risk of misrepresentation the external auditor can apply professional decision and consider the elements of risk which comprises of kinds of risk, im portance of risk, probability of the threat, and pervasiveness of the risk. The external auditor’s evaluation does not act like an assurance that no fraud exists in financial report. The audit committee must acquire rational assurance on behalf of the external auditors that organization has taken the requisite steps to secure the assets of the unit. The audit committee needs to verify by proper analysis about the auditor’s vigilance to the likelihood of fraud (Thornton, â€Å"Managing Fraud Risk: The Audit Committee Perspective†). According to Companies Act 2006, an organization is required to employ an auditor who makes a report for investors with a view on whether the financial statement provides accurate and real value of company’s financial performance. I

German Autobahnen Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

German Autobahnen - Assignment Example The present research has identified that Atobahn are officially named as Bundesautobahn in Germany because of the reason these are build as well as maintained by federal authorities present within the country. When we talk about German Autobahn, we may see that there is no specification of speed limit for cars and other vehicles. However, the advisory speed limit is about 130 kilometers/ hr. it is also important to understand that a hard limit is also imposed on some transports. For example 60 km per hour for those buses those carry standing travelers as well as trailers that pull motorcycles. On the other hand, passengers or travelers cars and buses have hard limit of 80 km per hour. Moreover, trailers that are used to pull passenger cars have limit 100km per hour. Last but not the least, when we talk about road safety of these autobahns found in Germany, we may conclude that the situations are quite better here as compared to highways and motorways found in other European countries . The chances of any crash and accidents are fewer as compared to those present in USA.

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Expectancy theory in nursing Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Expectancy theory in nursing - Article Example There are three components of expectancy theory, which are expectancy, valence, and instrumentality. In expectancy, the belief is that the efforts of an individual’s determine their attainment of desired performance and goals. To do so, the individuals have to develop their self-efficacy by assessing whether they have the required skills and knowledge to achieve the desired goals. Goals difficulty occurs when the set goals are set too high or the achievement of the performance expectations are set too hard. This leads to low expectancy especially when the desired results of an individual are un-attainable according to the beliefs of the individual. An individual may also get the perceived control where they believe that there is some degree of control over their expected outcome. If such individuals believe that the outcome is beyond their perceived outcomes, then their ability to influence is low leading to low motivation. In instrumentality, individuals believe that they will receive a reward if they meet the performance expectations set. This may be in form of a promotion, salary increment, or recognition. Valence, on the other hand, is the individuals’ beliefs in the reward of certain outcome. It is based on their goals, motivational factors, and values. Expectancy theory is related to nursing management in that it allows the nurse managers to ensure that their employees are well motivated to maximize on their potential. It ensures that the nurse managers come up with policies to ensure that each successful outcome of the nurses’ performance is rewarded. They ensure that the efforts made by all the nurses will result into attainment of desired goals and objectives (Yoder-Wise, 2014). To do so, the nurses have to have the required belief in their ability to achieve the set goals and ensure that the goals set are not too high for the nurse to achieve. Â  

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Teaching children with dyslexia Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Teaching children with dyslexia - Essay Example Owing to the difficulty in diagnosis of the condition, some educators may be essentially baffled by the behavior of a child whose poor performance is mistakenly seen to originate from carelessness (Subramaniam, Mallan, & Mat, 2013). Teachers may punish these students or enroll them in unnecessary remedial lessons, which may make them feel very much underrated, or overburdened in a learning facility. Whereas it may be difficult to differentiate between children who are careless in the classroom and those with dyslexia, it is the responsibility of an effective teacher to create an atmosphere that is favorable for learning by all the pupils. This would enhance early diagnoses for dyslexia and facilitate the implementation of specialized care to cater for the unique educational needs of such students. Â  Owing to the difficulty in diagnosis of the condition, some educators may be essentially baffled by the behavior of a child whose poor performance is mistakenly seen to originate from c arelessness (Subramaniam, Mallan, & Mat, 2013). Teachers may punish these students or enroll them in unnecessary remedial lessons, which may make them feel very much underrated, or overburdened in a learning facility. Whereas it may be difficult to differentiate between children who are careless in the classroom and those with dyslexia, it is the responsibility of an effective teacher to create an atmosphere that is favorable for learning by all the pupils. This would enhance early diagnoses for dyslexia and facilitate the implementation of specialized care to cater for the unique educational needs of such students. Â   Husni and Jamaludin (2009) argue that it behaves a class teacher to comprehend the learning challenges that a dyslexic student may experience within the learning environment. With this awareness, teachers would avoid chances of misconstruing the behavior of a child, which may impair their normal learning processes. In a cordial environment full of motivation, a dysl exic student will develop the perception of self-reliance, which basically yields educational success (Amstrong, 2012). Teaching a dyslexic child requires the knowledge that an impaired auditory short term memory, which results from the disease can result in the student having a poorer capacity to retain the teacher’s input for long.’s input for long. In light of this, an effective teacher should adopt simpler, repetitive teaching strategies when issuing instructions to a class of dyslexic children in order to secure their better understanding of the lessons. Subramaniam, Mallan and Mat (2013) have pointed out that auditory short term memory impairment in a child can impede the victim’s ability to remember the teacher’s input of spoken words, arrangement of sounds in order, and the adequate spelling of the letters. In most cases, children with these learning problems cannot recall even simple instructions. Regardless of the seriousness of the impacts of the impairment, proper teaching interventions in the class have proven advantageous to the victims. Managing the short-term memory Managing the short-term memory is vital to the achievement of better outcomes in the classroom. Teaching a dyslexic child requires the development of the lesson outline, and ending each lesson with a scorecard of the themes covered. By doing so, vital information related to learning will be retained in the child’s memory for longer (Amstrong, 2012). This can also be essential when setting the homework. Teachers should ensure that the dyslexic child properly notes down what is required. Instructors should also ensure that the child carries home the right writing materials. Although a majority of such would find it difficult to remember telephone contacts of their friends, it is important for teachers to have them note down a few contacts on the homework book to facilitate consultation when they face any difficulty remembering the recommended work (Amstrong, 2012). Teachers should also ensure that they use written form of communication for learning activities, since verbal communication would be forgotten easily. A teacher for a dyslexic child should monitor the performance and behavior of the child on a daily

Monday, September 23, 2019

Friends and interaction Statistics Project Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Friends and interaction - Statistics Project Example actions ranging from home to school ambiance that make a positive impact over their friendly relationship and would further outline some more important elements which assist to sway in assisting or restricting in friendly relationships. Out of many other sources to advance the best relations in home and society, the friendship plays greater role, to attain satisfaction and happiness in the whole life, and to this effect, making friends and building friendly relations is very crucial and critical for the younger aged people. – Epicurus (Welty & Sharp, 1991, p. 65). Source: Productive human relations are very vital for the lives leading to happiness. Our friendly terms lead to significant roles–they help us to salvage and command confidence in our lives, that lend us happiness and comfort which enforces us in trying situations, and to authenticate our sense of value and our interests. We may be impressed by a lot of people in different ways yet our friendly relationship with our buddies effects us more vividly. We have recounted narrations of the meaning of friendship which dates back to the time immemorial – means as the history mankind is lengthy that much friendship is lengthy. Cicero writes - now friendship possesses many splendid advantages, but of course the finest thing of all about it is that it sends a ray of hope into the future, and keeps our hearts from faltering or falling by the wayside. For the man who keeps his eye on a true friend keeps it, so to speak, on a model of himself: For this reason, friends are together when they are separated, they are rich when they are poor, strong when they are weak, and a thing even harder to explain – they live on after they have died, so great is the honor that follows them, so vivid the memory, so poignant the sorrow. (Welty & Sharp, 1991, p. 72). Not only the educationists do even the parents perceive the significance of friendly relations with

Sunday, September 22, 2019

School Bus and Dumb Pigs Essay Example for Free

School Bus and Dumb Pigs Essay Narrator: Megan’s father asked her to feed the pigs on her way to school. He said†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. Father: Megan please feed the pigs but don’t open the gate. Pigs are smarter than you think. Don’t open the gate. Megan: right I will not open the gate. Not me no sir no no no no. Narrator: so Megan went to the pig pen. She looked the pigs. The pigs looked at Megan. Megan: these are the dumbest looking pigs I have ever seen. They stand here like lumps on a bump. They wouldn’t do anything if I did open the gate. Narrator: so Megan opened the gate just a little bit. The pigs stood there and looked at Megan. They didn’t do anything. Megan said Megan: these are the dumbest looking pigs I have ever seen. They stand here like lumps on a bump. They wouldn’t do anything even go out the door if the house was on fire. Narrator: so Megan opened the gate a little bit more. The pigs stood there and looked at Megan. They didn’t do anything. Then Megan yelled†¦ Megan: HEY YOU DUMB PIGS! Narrator: the pigs jumped up and ran over Megan, WAP- WAP- WAP-WAP-WAP and out the gate. When Megan got up she couldn’t see the pigs anywhere. She said Megan: UH OH, I am in bad trouble. Maybe pigs are not so dumb after all. Narrator: then she went to tell her father the bad news. When she got to the house Megan heard a noise coming from the kitchen. Then it went, Pig: OINK OINK OINK Megan: that doesn’t sound like my mother. That doesn’t sound like my father. that sounds like pigs. Narrator: she looked in the window. There was her father sitting at the breakfast table. A pig was drinking his coffee. A pig was eating his news paper and a pig peeing on his shoe. Father: Megan you opened the gate. Get these pigs out of here. Narrator: Megan opened the front door a little bit. The pigs stood and looked at Megan. Finally Megan opened the front door all the way and yelled†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. Megan: HEY YOU DUMB PIGS. Narrator: the pigs jumped up and ran right over Megan, WAP- WAP-WAP-WAP And out the door. Megan ran outside chassed all the pigs into the pig pen and shut the gate. Then she looked at the pigs a said†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ Megan: your are still dumb, like lumps on a bump. Narrator: then she ran off to school. Just as she was about to open the front door of the school she heard a sound. Pigs: OINK OINK OINK. Narrator: she said †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. Megan: that doesn’t sound like my teacher. That doesn’t sound like the principal. That sounds like pigs Narrator: Megan looked in the principle’s window. There was a pig drinking principal’s coffee. A pig was eating the principal’s newspaper. And a pig was peeing on the principal’s shoe. The principal yelled†¦. Principal: Megan, get these pigs out of here! Narrator: Megan opened the front door of the school a little bit. The pigs didn’t do anything. She opened the door all the way and yelled†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. Megan: HEY YOU DUMB PIGS. Narrator: the pigs jumped up and ran right over Megan, WAP-WAP-WAP-WAP and out the door. Megan went into the school she sat down at the desk and said†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. Megan: that’s that I finally got rid of all the pigs. Narrator: then she heard a noise. Pig: OINK OINK OINK Narrator: Megan opened her desk and there a new baby pig. The teacher said†¦ Teacher: Megan get that dumb pig out of here. Megan: Dumb? Who ever said pigs were dumb? Pigs are smart. I am going to keep it for a pet. Narrator: at the end of the day the school bus finally came Megan walked up to the door then heard something say, Pig: OINK OINK OINK Narrator: Megan said Megan: that doesn’t sound like the bus driver that sounds like the pigs. Narrator: she climbed up the stairs and looked in the bus. There was a pig driving the bus, pigs eating the seats and pigs lying in the aisle. A pig shut the door and drove the bus down the road. It drove the bus all the way to Megan’s farm, through the barnyard and right into the pig pen. Megan got out of the bus walked across the barnyard and marched into the kitchen. She said†¦. Megan: the pigs are all back in the pig pen. They came back by themselves. Pigs are smarter than you think. Narrator: and Megan never let out any more animals out again. At least not any more pigs

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Methods of DNA Identification

Methods of DNA Identification To isolate DNA from blood, saliva, buccal swab and betel quid by phenol-chloroform method and chelex method and compare the efficacy of both the methods. To carry out restriction digestion of the DNA samples isolated from above mentioned sources using the restriction enzyme EcoRI (G|AATTC) and identify individuals based on the pattern of restriction banding and to ascertain the applicability of the restriction digestion in forensics MATERIALS AND METHODS: Blood, saliva, betel quid and buccal swab were collected from 15 patients and DNA isolation was done by phenol-chloroform method and chelexmethod. DNA fingerprinting was carried out using EcoRI restriction enzyme. RESULTS:  DNA could be extracted from residues of saliva, DNA fingerprinting done with the isolated DNA was able to match with those of individuals. Chelex method was found to be more efficient than the Phenol-chloroform method KEY WORDS: Betel Quid, Chelex method, DNA,DNA fingerprinting,Phenol chloroform method Introduction DNA fingerprinting  has ascertained an increasingly imperative role towards decision making in judiciary. DNA tests have helped convict suspects, to exonerate suspects or overturned previous convictions. Scientific evidences such as fingerprints, blood, semen, shreds of clothing, hair, weapons, tire tracks, and other physical evidence at the crime scene can be a more riveting to a tribunal than the testimony of an eyewitness. DNA is more suitable because DNA remains scathe lessin challenging environments where such evidence is found. The DNA molecule holds an impressive dependability to withstand time. 1 DNA profiling compares the DNA fragment lengths and patterns. The isolated DNA from the samples is fragmented using a restriction enzyme. Then the length of the resulting fragments is determined by electrophoresis and comparedby a visual interpretation of the pattern of DNA bands. 2 DNA can be sourced from freshblood, fresh or dried human buccalswabs, soft tissue, saliva and salivary stains. Optimizing the methodology in DNA extraction from various sources have been tried by many studies. Minute quantities of saliva allows establishing DNAprofile. 3DNA has been proven to be isolated from cell samples from objects that was in contact with the body and from sources like chewing gums, cigarettes, bite marks in foods, among others. Restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) analysis provides details of the DNA which is referred as a DNA fingerprint. As DNA is unique to every individual, analyzing the sequence helps in identification of specific patterns of each individual. DNA profile is considered as valid evidence in the court of law for paternity disputes and human identification. Standardization of DNA extraction technique will improve the reliability and speed up sample processing time. 4-6 Limited availability of biological samples in a crime scenechallenges the procedure of extraction , characterization and analysis of DNA. Furthermore, difficulty arises in retrieving DNA from stains and degraded samples which provide contaminated or poor qualityDNA. Hence, purification of DNA from samples is still a significant step in obtaining useful genotypes. Notwithstanding, tremendous advances have been made in the recent times in DNA testing. 7 Chewed betel quid (BQ) stains are encountered frequently on crime scenes in Southeast Asian countries. Though the quid presents as an important biological evidence, the forensic analysis using betel quid as an evidence has been impeded due to difficulty in extraction of human DNA . Hence, constituting a definite method for extracting DNA from chewed Betel quid residues is of paramount importance. 8 Saliva found on victims of several violent crimes is a potential source of DNA. They can be recovered from bite marks, cigarette butts, betel quid, postage stamps, envelopes and other objects. However , salivary stains usually dry up easily becoming invisible, making recognition and collection difficult. Among the various biological sources available, salivary analysis have great discriminatory power and can be incorporated into a criminal investigation . Improvisation of DNA extraction procedures will improve its reliability and also help to expedite the process. The present study aims to isolate DNA from blood, saliva (under different conditions) by phenol chloroform method and chelex method and to find the efficacy of these methods in extraction of DNA from traces of saliva. 9,10 ISOLATION OF DNAFROM BLOOD AND SALIVA BY PHENOL CHLOROFORM METHOD : The DNA was extracted with an equal volume of phenol: chloroform: isoamyl alcohol. This mixture was centrifuged at 10000rpm for 5 minutes. The aqueous phase was collected and extracted with chloroform: isoamyl alcohol mixture and centrifuged at 10000rpm for 5 minutes. The supernatant was transferred to a new microfuge tube and 0. 6 volume of isopropanol was added. The spongy white precipitate was transferred to a microfuge tube and added equal volume of ethanol was added. Then it was centrifuged at 10000rpm at room temperature for 10 minutes. The supernatant was drained and to the pellet 100 µL of TE buffer was added stored at 4 °C. ISOLATION OF DNAFROM BLOOD AND SALIVA BY CHELEX METHOD: 0. 5 ml of whole blood was collected in 2 ml tube and the cells are harvested by centrifugation at 3000 rpm for 3 min. at 4 °C. The supernatant was discarded. 0. 8 ml TBP buffer was added to the collection tube, vortexed gently, then centrifuged at 3000 rpm for 3 minutes, supernatant was discarded. The next stepwas continued if the blood pellet looks mauve 0. 5 ml of TBM buffer was added to the tube, and vortexed followed by addition of 3  µLof proteinase K and incubated at 55 °C for 30 minutes. The sample was centrifuged for 2 minutes at 5000 rpm and the supernatant saved to 2 ml tube and then added 260  µL of absolute ethanol. The mixture was applied to EZ-10 column, centrifuged at 8000 rpm for 1 minute; discarded the flow in the collection tube. 500  µL of wash solution was added and centrifuged at 8000 rpm for 1 minute. This step was repeated spin at 8000 rpm for an additional minute to remove residual amount of wash solution. The column was placed into a clean 1. 5 ml microfuge tube and 30  µL of elution buffer was added into the center part of membrane . The tube was incubated at 50 °C for 2 minutes centrifuged at 10,000 rpm for 1 minute to elute the DNA from the column The standards and samples were removed from the freezer and thawed. In a separate sterile 1. 5 ml microfuge tube for each standard/sample, 10  µl of DNA was mixed with 990  µl of D. I. water and vortexed . The solution was allowed to stand for 10 minutes to ensure the complete diffusion of DNA throughout the solution. This represents a 1:100 dilution of the standards and the DNA samples. B. DNAquantification The DNA sample was briefly vortexed and the solution wastransfered to the cuvette of the spectrophotometer with care not to create bubbles. The cuvette is inserted into the spec ensuring the correct face of the cuvette is in line the light beam. . An absorbance reading appears on the screen . Reading is continued until all standards and samples have been quantified. The concentration of DNA in the sample is determined according to the conversion factor (A260 of 1. 0 = 50  µg ml-1 DNA). The concentration of DNA in the sample can be read as  µg/mL using the conversion factor and dilution factor . RESTRICTION DIGESTION: Restriction enzyme buffer was vortexed before pipetting to ensure that it was well-mixed and was added to the tube . Appropriate amount of DNA to be cut wasvortexed before pipetting to ensure that it was well-mixed and was added to the tube. After vortexingthe enzyme to ensure that it was well-mixed 1 ÃŽ ¼L of enzyme EcoRIwas added. The mixture is placed in thermal cycler (Eppendorf) for2-3 hour incubation at 37 °C . To heat inactivate the enzyme the mixture is maintained at 80 °C for 20 min. The mixture is kept at 4 °C until the reaction mixture is out of the thermal cycler. Agarose Gel Electrophoresis Protocol Preparation of the agarose gel 1. 25 g Agarose powder was taken in 500 ml flask and 125 ml of TAE Buffer was added to it. The mixture is melted in hot water bath till a clear solution forms. The solution is allowed to cool to a temperature of 50-55 °C by periodic swirling to achieve even cooling. To it ethidium bromide solution was added. The ends of the casting tray are sealed with two layers of tape. The combs are placed in the gel casting tray. The melted agarose solution was poured into the casting tray and allowed to cool until it is solid. The comb and the tape are removed carefully. The gel is placed in the electrophoresis chamber. 2-3 mm of TAEBuffer is added over the gel. Loading the gel 6 à ¯Ã‚ Ã‚ ­l of 6X Sample Loading Buffer is added to each DNA sample containing tubes. 20 à ¯Ã‚ Ã‚ ­l of each sample is pipetted into separate wells in the gel. 10 à ¯Ã‚ Ã‚ ­l of the DNA ladder standard is pippeted into one well of each row on the gel. Running the gel The lid is place on the gel box, the electrode wires are connected to the power supply. The power supply is turned on to about 100 volts. To ensure the correct direction of the current, the movement of the blue loading dye is checked. The power supply is continued till the blue dye approaches the end of the gel. The wires are disconnected from the power supply. The lid is removed from the electrophoresis chamber. Using gloves, gel is carefully removed and observed in a transilluminator for the DNA bands. RESULTS: Isolation of DNA was done from blood ,fresh saliva, saliva stored at -20 °C, saliva stored at 37 °C for 24hrs ,buccal swab and betel quid by both the phenol-chloroform method and the chelex method. . Gel electrophoresis of the isolated genomic DNA was carried out on 0. 8% agarose gel. (figure 1) After restriction digestion electrophoresis gel is prepared to run and to identify the number of bands. DNA samplesobtained from blood were labelled as Aband subsequently as Bb,Cb, DbEbas shown in table 2. DNA obtained from fresh saliva were labelled as As,Bs, Cs, Ds,Es. DNA obtained from saliva stored at -20 degree were labeled as AfsBfsCfsDfs. Efs. DNA obtained from saliva stored at room temperature were labelled as Ads,BdsCdsDdsEds DNA obtained from bloodof 5 individuals was made to run in the well marked 1 to 5 in a uniform manner ie DNA obtained from the first individual named as Ab, was made to run in well No. 1 . DNA obtained from second individual named as Bb was made to run in well No. 2 DNA obtained from third individual named as Cb was made to run in well No . 3. DNA obtained from fourth individual named as Db was made to run in as well No- 4. DNA obtained from Fifth individual namedEbwas made to run in well No. 5. (table 2) But while running DNA obtained from saliva of different sources the order was changed randomly. For example DNA isolated from fresh saliva for the first individual (As) instead of being run in the first well ie well No -6 was made to run in the third well( well no 8) and DNA isolated from saliva stored at -20 degree for the first individual(Afs) instead of being run in the first well ie well No-11was made to run in the third well (well No. 13)and DNA isolated from saliva stored at room temperature for the first individual(Ads) instead of being run in the first well ie well No-16 was made to run in the fifth well (well No. 20). Likewise DNA isolated from different sources of saliva of different individuals made to run in different wells and the number of bands produced is identified . From the figure 1 it could be identified that the well number 1,8 ,13,20 corresponding to DNA isolated from the first individual from various sources named Ab AsAfs Ads identified by the yellow arrow has uniformly three bands. For the well number 2,7,14,19 corresponding to DNA isolated from the second individual from various sources named BbBsBfsBds identified by the blue arrow has uniformly 6 bands . various DNA isolated from the fifth individual from various sources namedEbEsEfsEds identified by the green arrow has uniformly 4 bands . From the above figure itcould be identified that the well number 1,10 corresponding to DNA isolated from different source for the first individual named Ab,AbS,identified by the yellow arrow has uniformly four bands. For the well number 2 and 6 corresponding to DNA isolated from second individual from blood and buccal swab named BbBbSl identified by the blue arrow has uniformly 6 bands . For the well number 3 and 7corresponding to DNA isolated from third individual from blood and buccal swab namedCbCbS identified by the red arrow has uniformly 5 bands . For the well number 4and 8 corresponding to DNA isolated from fourth individual from blood and buccal swab named DbDbs,identified by the aqua arrow has uniformly 7 bands. For the well number 5and 9 corresponding to DNA isolated from fifth individual from blood and buccal swab named EbEbsE identified by the green arrow has uniformly 8 bands . This shows that DNA obtained from an individual from blood and buccal swab produce uniform banding pattern. This shows that DNA obtained from an individual from various source produce uniform banding pattern . Identification of individual from traces of saliva which could be used for forensic application -Extraction of DNA from Buccal swab. Restriction digestion with Ecor-1 from extracted DNA obtained from above mentioned source has been done for identifying individuals. Blood was used as a control and compared with DNA bands from buccal swab. A total of 10 wells were created. DNA obtained from blood wer e labeled as Ab, Bb,Cb, Db,Ebas shown in tab 3. DNA obtained from Buccal swab were labeled as Abs,Bbs, Cbs, Dbs, Ebs. DNA obtained from blood from 5 individuals was made to run in the well marked 1 to 5 in a uniform manner. But while running DNA obtained from buccal swab the order was changed randomly. For example DNA isolated from buccal swab for the first individual (Abs) instead of being run in the first well ie well No -6 was made to run in the fifth well( well no 10). Likewise DNA isolated from buccal swab of different individuals was made to run in different wells and the number of bands produced is identified Different methods of DNA extraction is been followed in that, most widely used is phenol chloroform method . Many new methods of DNA extraction have been tried. The chelex method is one among then . To know the efficacy of the chelex method it was compared with that of phenol chloroform method. Of the two methods studied the chelex method proved to be more easy to handle and less time consuming in addition to yieds higher amount of DNA and is proved by quantification with U. V spectrometer as shown in fig. 2. DISCUSSION: Forensic odontology is a branch of forensics which analyses stains and organic liquids from the oral cavity or its contents, bite mark comparison, investigation of trauma and oral injuries such as personal injury cases, and dental malpractice. The fundamental requirement of a criminal investigation is that the victim and aggressor should be positively identified. Forensic dentistry aids in the forensic process by comparing the deceaseds dentition with that of previous dental records or by facilitating to shape the profile of an individual in terms of age at the time of death, sex and phylogeny to aid in identification. 11,12 Saliva has been a potential source of identification and is usually found in bite marks, cigarette butts, betel quid, postage stamps, envelopes and other objects. The first phase of the study intended to isolate DNA from saliva (under different conditions), by phenol-chloroform method and chelex method and compare the yield with that of blood . The second objective was to find out efficacy of these methods in extraction of DNA from traces of saliva ie from Buccal swab, and from Betel quid and which could be used for forensic application. 8 The presence of residues are considerably important as biological evidences, but forensic analysis of such evidences has been hindered by failures in extraction of human DNA. Consequently, it is indispensable in forensic science to establish a reliable method for extracting DNA from samples collected at the crime site. The most important objective was whether individuals can be identifed from samples of different source and to ascertain the applicability of the restriction digestion in forensics. 13,14 Blood was taken as control, saliva was divided into 3 parameters ie from fresh saliva, from saliva stored at -20 degree for24 hr from saliva stored in room temperature for 24 hr’s were obtained . Identification of individual has been done with restriction enzyme EcoRI. . The isolated DNA was digested using the restriction enzyme EcoRI(G|AATTC)The digested DNA was run on 1% agarose gel electrophoresis and the bands produced in each individuals DNA were scored and is proved that identification of individual can also be done by DNA fingerprinting or profiling. Agarose gel electrophoresis separates DNA fragments according to their size. The most important objective was whether individuals can be identified from samples of different source and to ascertain the applicability of the restriction digestion in forensics. 16 DNA fingerprinting is a technique that is used to represent like and unlike DNA that is present in different individuals. Nucleotide sequences which show significant variation from one individual to another are taken into consideration. 17The most important objective of the study was to ascertain whether individuals can be identified from samples of different source and to ascertain the applicability of the restriction digestion in forensics and the last objective was toCompare the DNA yield from manual and kit method. To prove that DNA could be extracted from traces of saliva , Buccal swab and Beetal quid was used . DNA could be extracted from buccal swab,beetal quid and quantification was done with U. V spectrometer. Comparison of DNA isolated from all the samples collected from all the individual using two different procedures has been done and comparison of yield of different sources showed the kit method to be more effective . Use of biological evidences like saliva, buccal swab and betel quid are compromised due to the quandary in extraction of human DNA. The present study had proved to establish a reliable method for extracting DNA from samples collected from different sources of saliva and from traces of salivary stains which was comparable to bloodin proving identification. Samples collected from different sources of saliva and from traces of salivary stains can also be assessed by DNA fingerprinting or profiling which is based on the fact that DNA is unique to every individual .

Friday, September 20, 2019

Financial liberalisation

Financial liberalisation Financial Liberalisation refers to deregulation of domestic financial market and liberalisation of the capital account that implies removing the ceiling on interest rates. When it is in a liberalised system the competition between the different lending institutions for the deposits will increase interest rates on deposits which will increase the deposits. The availability of credit will increase and this will cause an increase in investment growth. The stages of growth increases activity in the financial markets that makes the introduction and the development of financial institutions. It is argued that financial institutions, by gathering and evaluating information from borrowers, allow the allocation of funds for investment plans to become more efficient and therefore encourage growth and investment. Banks have a role in the process of development. These banks gives the chance for individuals to hold their savings in the form of deposits, so lowing the need to hold them in the form of illiquid unproductive tangible assets, as this increases liquidity in the economy. Banks could use the deposits to invest such as currency and capital etc. While an individuals need for liquidity remains unpredictable, banks, by law of large numbers, face a predictable demand for deposit withdrawals, and this in turn allows banks to invest funds more efficiently. The rate of growth reacts positively to the interest rate but investment reacts negatively to the interest rate. Higher interest rate discourage low return investment, investors will be induced to undertake high return investments, thereby bringing efficiency to investment, which in turn will improve the growth rate to a greater extent than that which is possible under financial repression. Interest rate does not affect of saving indirectly but it is instead a role of income. The relationship linking the availability of credit and investment growth can be about interest rates which play a role more in particular, lenders and borrowers. The theory is they can be sure about the loans being repaid. The problem is that borrowers can not guarantee their repayments. With this in mind uncertainty enters into the equation in to the loan repayment so lender take measures in case borrowers plans are unsuccessful and lenders try not to lose their loan capital. So in order to cover this they use the credit standard in the loan calculation. For borrowers that mean they will have to be able get the credit standard in order to receive a loan. If liberalisation happened and the reason was a rise in interest rate this will increase the deposit and increases in the availability of credit. But a rise in deposit will affect the loan rate by increasing but in relation with the size of the loan cause increase in the repayment rate. So credit standard is set on size of the loan and when interest rate increases it does not cover the banks loan capital. So if banks would want to be covered by the credit standard they like to have zero credit risk. To achieve this they would increase the credit standard to make sure that they zero credit risk. This will mean that borrower would take a large amount or unable to meet the demand they will not be allowed the loan. This means an increase in the availability of credit will not guarantee access to the loan market. When interest rates increases, investors who want to get high returns will be attain less than they paid for and they will lose if they sell. Therefore they do not sell. Investors who invest large amount take advantage of high interest rate; these investors have a high credit risk. So the greater flow of credit makes share prices to increase and they higher profits because of the price increase. Since profit from the acquisition and the sale of shares rises, loan capital will be further attracted to the stock market, so it increases the stock market activity. This introduces the possibility of attracting a substantial portion of the loan capital to move different parts of the economy in favour of financial assets. This evidently raises a concern about the efficiency gain by means of liberalisation. In this process them return on loans will no longer be linked with the yield from shares; rather it will be inter-locked with the return from the expected change in share prices when economic activities are falling. If bad news spread that will decrease share prices. So investors will not make profit from the change in share prices. Therefore investors will find it hard to keep their debt in order. This is where a serious problem arises, and that is, if the actual price falls short of the expected price and so borrowers wont be able to keep their word that they gave to banks. In this problem arises because the banks cannot maintain their credit standard requirements for these borrowers. In other words, banks have advanced loans which exceed the aggregate value of the borrowers assets. Thus the core problem lies with banks needing to take high level of credit risk from large loans because of liberalisation. As said before any bad news that will cause banks a lot of problem and this will lead to a financial crisis. Because of this reason the crisis happens since most of loans had high levels of credit risk. The credit crunch is what economist use it means a shortage of funds for lending, which reduce the availability of loans. The credit crunch can happen for several reasons because of a shape rise in interest rates and the government has direct money controls and also funds decreasing in the capital markets. The latest credit crunch happened because of a sudden increase in defaults on subprime mortgages. The Credit crunch started in United States and eventually spread across the world. The mortgage lenders sold lots of mortgages to customers who have low income and who are first time buyers and have not got a good credit rating these customers are the called subprime borrowers. They thought that house market would boom and mortgages still reasonable but they were lax lending of mortgages to subprime borrowers. The reason they were lax is because mortgage brokers got paid to sell mortgages. These cause for more mortgages to be sold, even though it was expensive and high risk of default. Mortgages companies wanted to make more money on the subprime mortgages and they put the debt into a package and sold it to other companies. This is how it turned globally because of â€Å"package sub-prime home loans into mortgage-backed securities known as CDOs (collateralised debt obligations).† [timesonlinea. 24 Feb. 2010]. They sold it to hedge funds and investment banks because they thought they would get high returns on it. They tried to spread the risk but made the situation worst. The rating agencies gave subprime mortgages a low risk rating but they are very high risk rating and this got transferred to the lenders. In the balance sheets the risk would not be shown. â€Å"Many of these mortgages had an introductory period of 1-2 years of very low interest rates. At the end of this period, interest rates increased.† [mortgagesguideuka, 24 Feb. 2010]. So this cause mortgages repayment to become expensive after the introductory period because interest rate increased from inflation. Also â€Å"Homeowners also faced lower disposable income because of rising health care costs, rising petrol prices and rising food prices.† [mortgagesguideukb, 24 Feb. 2010]. Homeowners found it difficult to hold their houses because it was getting repossess. Many Homeowners were not able to repay the mortgage payments and so this caused an increase in default on their loans. Because of the defaults it was one of the main reasons of the end of housing boom in the US. With housing prices falling this caused further problems with mortgages. â€Å"For example, people with 100% mortgages now faced negative equity. It also meant that the loans were no longer secured. If people did default, the bank couldnt guarantee to recoup the initial loan.† [mortgagesguideukc, 24 Feb. 2010]. Many US mortgages companies went bust because of the increase in defaults but mortgage lender were not only to suffer as banks lost money in mortgage debt because of the package they got from US mortgage companies. Now Banks had to write off big losses and made them unwilling to lend, mostly in the subprime sector. This was a domino effect and the affect the rest of the world for borrowing money and raising funds. â€Å"For example, biotech companies rely on ‘high risk investment and are now struggling to get enough funds.† [mortgagesguideukd, 24 Feb. 2010]. Since the borrowing was restricted this also affected the economy with a recession very likely especially in US. But In UK mortgage lender were more controlled in lending than the US. . In the UK many problems occurred with Northern Rock who invested in subprime mortgages. â€Å"Northern rock had a high % of risky loans, but, also had the highest % of loans financed through reselling in the capital markets. When the subprime crisis hit, Northern Rock could no longer raise enough funds in the usual capital market. It was left with a shortfall and eventually had to make the humiliating step to asking the Bank of England for emergency funds. Because the Bank asked for emergency funds, this caused its customers to worry and start to withdraw savings (even though savings werent directly affected).† [mortgagesguideuke, 24 Feb. 2010]. Also another banks HBOS having the same situation. This shows that word and mouth can cause total panic in short amount of time. The events in the US caused the same problems in the UK with mortgages being expensive and the market drying up and with high risk mortgages taken away. This cause house prices to fall and homeowner facing negative equity so they default on loan, which makes bank lose more money. For example â€Å"Bradford Bingley was nationalised because it couldnt raise enough finance. The BB had specialised in buy to let loans, which are particularly susceptible to falling house prices.† [mortgagesguideukf, 24 Feb. 2010]. This credit crunch may last for a while because house price in the US as well as UK is still going down which makes mortgage loans under valued. Also interest rates are soaring especially when the homeowner finish their inductor periods. If a recession happens in US it could make more bad loans. It will be hard to get more confidence in the financial markets. In conclusion credit crunch could have been avoided if banks had a tighter restriction on access to loans, especially in the US and making sure no bad news circulates as this make people panic and making the situation worst. As for financial liberalisation it is important to introduce an interest rate ceiling on deposit rates to reduce excessive competition among lending institutions for depositors, which may minimize the possibility of financial crisis. Bibliography Books Lecture notes Basu.S. Financial Liberalisation and Intervention: A New Analysis of Credit Rationing Peter Howells and Keith Bain. (2008) The Economics of Money, Banking and finance A European text Fourth edition, Essex, Pearson limited Web Page E. Murat Ucer. Notes on Financial Liberalization, [online] Available from: [Accessed 24 Feb 2010] David Budworth, The credit crunch explained, [online] Available from: [Accessed 24 Feb 2010] Credit crunch explained, [online] Available [Accessed 24 Feb 2010] John Abbey, The credit crunch explained, [online] Available [Accessed 24 Feb 2010]

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Abortion Around the World :: Informative Essay

Procedure of abortion is known since ancient times. The word abortion is came the Latin abortus where â€Å"ab† means â€Å"amiss† and â€Å"oriri† means â€Å"likely to be born, arise†.(1) Along with infanticide it has existed in many societies, both primitive and advanced. The earliest records of an abortive technique go back about 4,600 years to an ancient Chinese work, purportedly the work of Emperor Shen Nung which prescribes the use of mercury to induce an abortion. (3) In ancient ages pessaries or vaginal suppositories were used as an abortifacients.(1) They are generally more effective than oral drugs and included substances such as juice of the wild fig, a â€Å"dairy liquid† ,which caused irritation, soapwort, myrrh, myrtle, lupine, cedar-oil mixed with water, wine, or hot oil.(1) Ancient doctors also suggested smearing on the uterine opening goose fat, mashed leek and celery, rose oils, pine resin, copper scum, boiled honey, sodium carbon ate, and even mouse dung.(1) The Egyptian Kahun Papyrus, which dates to 1850 B.C., recommend crocodile feces either for preventing conception or as an abortifacient.(2) The Ebers Papyrus, which dates to 1550 B.C., contains several recipes that â€Å"cause a woman to stop pregnancy in the first, second, or third period.† (2) One recipe for a vaginal suppository includes mixed the unripe fruit of Acacia, colocynth, dates, and 6/7 pints of honey and pouring the mixture onto a moistened plant fiber. (2) Modern Arabic women still take colocynth as an abortifacient, though one woman who took 120 grains in a powder died 50 hours later. (2) In Arabic medicine, elephant feces were frequently recommended. (2) Aristotle suggests that the conceptus had a â€Å"soul† after 40 days from conception if a male and 90 if female. (2) In addition there are similar differentiations in the Bible. (2) Later, Aristotle says that the foetus develops gradually and that it is impossible to mak e a fine judgment. Famous doctors such as Pliny the Elder, Dioscorides, and Pseudo-Galen mention more â€Å"superstitious† abortifacients, like passage over the root of a cyclamen, the egg of a crow, a snake, or a stone which was bitten by a dog. Ancient physicians also used pessaries, or vaginal suppositories, as abortifacients. They were usually more potent than oral drugs and included substances like the juice of the wild fig, a â€Å"milky liquid† which caused irritation, soapwort, myrrh, myrtle, lupine, cedar-oil mixed with water, wine, or hot oil. Physicians also recommend smearing on the uterine opening goose fat, mashed leek and celery, rose oils, pine resin, copper scum, boiled honey, sodium carbonate, and even mouse dung.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

character plot death of a sales men :: essays research papers

Willy Loman is the main character and protagonist of the play. He has been a traveling salesman, the lowest of positions, for the Wagner Company for thirty-four years. Never very successful in sales, Willy has earned a meager income and owns little. His refrigerator, his car, and his house are all old - used up and falling apart, much like Willy. Willy, however, is unable to face the truth about himself. He kids himself into believing that he is well liked by his customers in the New England territory and by the company, who is sure to give him a promotion or opportunity to make more income. Willy's dream is to become like Dave Singleman, who was very popular with his clients and able to do business by just making phone calls. Because he was so well liked, when Singleman died, customers from all over his region came to his funeral. Willy dares to believe that his funeral will be similar to Singleman's. Ironically, when Willy commits suicide, almost no one attends the funeral, proving the error of his philosophies. Throughout his life, Willy believed that if one was attractive and well liked, everything would be perfect. The doors would automatically open for such a man, and he was sure to be successful. In order to believe that he and his family are successes, Willy lies to himself and lives in a world of illusions. He says of himself that he is well liked in all the towns he visits and by all the customers that he calls on; he also erroneously believes that he is vital to the New England territory and will some day receive a promotion for his hard work. He even lies to himself, and then his boss, about how much he actually earns. Because he wants to prove to himself that he is well liked, Willy has at least one affair, attracting the young woman by offering to purchase her a pair of silk stockings. When Biff discovers his father in the hotel room with the woman, he recognizes Willy for what he is and calls him a liar and a fake. Willy also lives in a world of illusions about his two sons. He is convinced that Happy is a content, successful young man who will soon become a store manager. In truth, Happy is a loser, like his father, who lives in his own world of illusions and contributes to keeping Willy in his fantasies.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

The Prodigal Son

Professor M. Smith English 101 The Prodigal Son, a parable told by Jesus Christ on his journey to Jerusalem and retold in the Gospel of Luke found in the New Testament of the Holy Bible, has become more then a tale of hope for Catholic families to hold on to but for all families to hold on to the faith they have for their children, the new generation, to do right in the world.In many cases there is a rebellious child who wishes and tries to break away from the rest of the family because he or she is feed up with the rules of the house laid down by the parents and believe they can live a lifestyle of their choosing, recklessly and with no thought of consequences that inevitably follows. Without guidance from our love ones, there is no perseverance and with no perseverance, happiness cannot exist.The message Jesus Christ was trying to convey is that God is patient and all forgiving of us but, it is up to us the sinners to realize that we truly need this forgiveness in our lives to move ahead in a positive manner that will reward us during our remainder on Earth and in Heaven to come. A parable is â€Å"a short story with the intent to teach a lesson to its audience (OED)†. I believe, though the tale is of Christianity descent, religious followers of any practice as well as atheists can relate to this story to themselves at one point in their lives or another.As a loving parent I wish all the wonders of the world for my child and for him to reach great achievements throughout his life that are more important than just being financially secure and materialized. These achievements are too have a better understanding of how to live a more fulfilling life and if religious, have faith in God that Thy will guide you to all that is bliss in the world. I can proudly say that many parents live like I do, for the gratitude of their child’s or children’s well being. In this parable, the father exemplifies a true meaning of love for his child.As the story begins, the father is asked by his youngest son to divide all the estate that will be given to him and his older brother once he passes away. The loving father is left with two choices, ignore his youngest son’s selfish request and ostracize him, if willing to, from the home or grant the request and wait suffering for his son to return, learning of his poor judgment and betrayal to his father. A numerous amount of parents teach their kids valuable lessons by allowing them to experience hands on rather than just verbally expressing what could ultimately happen.As human beings we learn much through trial and error in efforts that we can grasp the meaning of right from wrong and avoid making the same mistakes over again throughout our lives. â€Å"Not many days later, the younger son gathered all he had and took a journey into a far country, and there he squandered his property in reckless living† (Luke 15: verse 13). The young son proved to be irresponsible and became n eedy. In efforts to survive he feed pigs for a living but pondered the thought of living at home. ‘How many of my father's hired servants have more than enough bread, but I perish here with hunger! I will arise and go to my father, and I will say to him, â€Å"Father, I have sinned against heaven and before you. I am no longer worthy to be called your son. Treat me as one of your hired servants† (17-19). The son did not come to this decision because he acknowledged his wrong doing but simply desperation to feed himself. He believed in doing this act he would have to deal with the anger and rejection of his father and older brother.He was overwhelmed with fear when he saw his father running toward him but he noticed that the expression on his father’s face was full of joy. â€Å"But while he was still a long way off, his father saw him and felt compassion, and ran and embraced him and kissed him. And the son said to him, ‘Father, I have sinned against heave n and before you. I am no longer worthy to be called your son† (20-21) and his manipulative speech dissolved into nothing. It was the father’s love and acceptance that showed his son forgiveness.He called for the servants to cloth and prepare a feast for the return of the Prodigal son, â€Å"a person who leaves home and behaves in such a way, but later makes a repentant return (OED),† because â€Å"for this my son was dead, and is alive again; he was lost, and is found† (24). Rather than just interpreting this parable as a religious lesson, that God waits for us to return to his love through penance and goodwill, we can use this as a guide to lead us to gain a better understanding and closeness with not just our parents but with all of whom we’ve been in contact with.It’s not an easy thing to do but, quite alright to fail and admit to being wrong because forgiveness doesn’t begin with God but within us. In some shape or form we have al l played the role of the young son, arrogant and lost. Some of us realize, faster than others, that we need forgiveness to overcome. Some of us haven’t forgiven yet those that have hurt us in the past, like the older brother who refused to part take in the return of his young sibling. Forgiveness is a powerful tool that we all possess and that we should all utilize on those who truly seek it.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Professional Roles and Values Essay

Regulatory agencies, such as a state board of nursing, are government agencies that regulate nursing practice. They act to ensure nurses are competent in their practice and that standards of practice are met. These agencies examine nursing education programs, and are the ones who approve and accredit them. The agencies are responsible for granting licensure for nursing professionals and oversee the licensure exams. Their role also includes interpreting the state nurse practice acts and developing rules, regulations, and policies. When nurses do not follow those rules, regulations, and polices, or demonstrate unsafe behavior, the agencies are responsible for determining appropriate disciplinary actions against the nurse. Professional nursing organizations are non-regulatory groups that help nurses further their development through education and networking. These groups are great for sharing ideas, technological advances, and trends. Often, there are fees to join the organization. Once a member, nurses usually are given a discount on literature and other educational courses. These organizations act as nursing advocates, and are often involved in advocating for new legislation to improve the nursing practice. There are a wide range of associations. One example would be the Ohio Council for Home Care and Hospice (OCHCH). The OCHCH is a major source of support to home care agencies in Ohio by advocating for improvements in laws affecting home health, helping to interpret those laws for it’s members, and offering a large array of educational classes. In my professional practice, I deal with the state board of nursing to keep up with licensure of our home health staff. I deal with the OCHCH on a daily basis to stay informed of new regulation, and current educational opportunities for myself and our staff. The Code of Ethics for nursing is put out by the regulatory organizations, such as the state boards, and are also usually found on the  website of various professional organizations, such as the ANA. In the Code of Ethics, Provision 4 states â€Å"The nurse is responsible and accountable for individual nursing practice and determines the appropriate delegation of tasks consistent with the nurses obligation to provide optimum patient care† (American Nurses Association, 2001). This statement from the code of ethics greatly influences my individual nursing practice, as well as my original decision to become a nurse. My father was diagnosed with multiple myeloma when I was 19. At that time I was in college studying mechanical engineering. Dad had many hospital visits over the next few years. I was amazed at the differences in the nurses, and their effect on his hospital experience. Some were excellent. They took care of his needs, both physically and emotionally. Others, did not. During one hospital stay, he was suffering a great deal from pain. Despite multiple requests for pain medication, one nurse chose to sit at the nurses station and talk with co-workers about their upcoming Christmas party instead of bringing him his pain medication. It was at that moment that I decided to go into nursing as a profession. I had seen first hand what a difference a good nurse can make in a patient’s life, as well as a not-so-good one. I wanted to be one of the good ones. If I could make a difference in even one patient’s life, it would be well worth it. Many years later, I still hold myself accountable for my own nursing practice, and delegate appropriately when needed, in order to take optimal care of my patient’s needs. I treat my patients the way I would want my dad to be treated if he was still alive. Provision 2 states â€Å"The nurse’s primary commitment is to the patient, whether an individual, family, group, or commun ity† (American Nurses Association, 2001). This is important in any area of nursing. I work in home health, and I feel this is especially true with my patients. As a home health nurse, I am one of many nurses who are the eyes and ears of physicians in the home setting. I feel it’s important to see a patient in their home environment in order to assess family and cultural influences that might have an impact on the patient’s outcome. We can then develop and individualized care plan and work with the physician to help meet their needs. At times, I have found issues in the home and met resistance when talking with the doctor to get new orders. It’s important to advocate for the patient in those situations and clearly communicate the patient’s needs  to the physician. There are 4 traits, or characteristics, within the Code of Ethics that I am going to discuss. The first is collaboration. I work in home health, and collaborate on a daily basis with other members of the interdisciplinary team. As a case manager, I am constantly in contact with the nurses, physical therapists, occupational therapists, speech therapists, social workers, and physicians to make sure all of the patient’s needs are being met. Often, at the time of initial patient assessment, only nursing is ordered for the patient. If I see that the patient is a fall risk, is having trouble bathing and dressing, has trouble with swallowing or cognition, is depressed, or needs financial assistance, it is my responsibility to call the doctor and get orders to get other disciplines involved. Once they are involved, we work together, along with the patient and family, to come up with a care plan that is individualized for that patient. Throughout the patient’s course of care, we work together to make sure goals are being met. If not, we look at how we need to adjust the care plan in order to meet those goals. Confidentiality is another trait found in the code of ethics. When working with an interdisciplinary team, it’s important to work on a need to know basis. For example, the speech therapist doesn’t need to know about the patient’s financial issues unless it would relate to the patient’s need to buy thickener for their food. The social worker, on the other hand, would need to know about the patient’s financial situation, in detail, in order to help the patient get set up with financial assistance in the community. Privacy is another trait that our multidisciplinary team deals with. In home care, it’s hard for the patients and families to allow others into their home, without feeling like their privacy is being invaded. It’s important to, as a team, build up trust with the patients. The various disciplines work together to coordinate our schedules to best fit the patient/family in order to help maintain that privacy. For example, rather than all scheduling a visit on the same day, we stagger our vis its throughout the week in order to minimize our time in the home each day. This actually helps with patient outcomes as well, because there is a skilled clinician in the home on most days that can keep their eyes and ears on the patient. Integrity is the last trait I will talk about. It’s important for me in home care to maintain moral integrity. It would be easy to falsify records, such as my time in and time out of a  patient’s home. I feel moral integrity is important, whether practicing nursing, or in my every day life. I strive every day to uphold it. There have been many wonderful nursing theories over the years. One that I practice every day is Dorthea Orem’s self-care deficit model. Typically, a patient needs home care when they have suffered a debilitating accident or illness. As a nurse, it’s my job to find out what their self care deficits are, whether they be functional, cognitive, etc. I then work to individualize a care plan that includes therapy, disease process education, etc., that will help them get back to their previous level of functioning if possible. If they aren’t able to return to their previous level of functioning, it’s my job to help them adapt to their current level of functioning in order to care for themselves, and prevent further decline. I feel that Jean Watson, who developed the theory of human caring, has had a big impact on my nursing practice. I think everyone, sick or not, wants to feel cared for. I try, as a nurse, to create an environment of caring for each patient I see. I feel it’s important to do this to provide an atmosphere for optimal healing. It can be difficult at times, especially in the home environment when there are other family members involved. Most families are very supportive, but at times there are difficult family members who cause undue stress for the patient. This is when it’s my job to act as a patient advocate, and help those family members cope in a way that is healthy for the patient and caregivers. It is important as a nurse to abide by certain principles. Two of those principles are nonmaleficence and respect for autonomy. I opened a patient’s case for home care recently and found Coumadin, Aspirin, and Plavix listed on his discharge medication list from the hospital. I was concerned with this, but especially when I found him to be a high fall risk. I called the physician and confirmed that there had been a mistake on his discharge instructions. He was new to Coumadin, and the Aspirin and Plavix were supposed to have been discontinued. This is an example of nonmaleficence. My goal was to protect the patient from harm. The same patient was released from the hospital with an acute COPD exacerbation. Once home, he continued to smoke a pack of cigarettes a day while on oxygen. I explained the disease process of COPD in a way he could understand, including why he should stop smoking. I also explained to him the risks of smoking while on oxygen. He chose to keep smoking. This is an  example of respect for autonomy. It is our job as nurses to explain risks to them in a way they can understand. We have to respect their decisions at that point, whether we agree with them or not. References American Nurses Association (2011). Code of Ethics for Nurses With Interpretive Statements. Retrieved from Cherry, Jacob. (2011). Contemporary Nursing: Issues, Trends, and Management [VitalSouce bookshelf version]. Retrieved from

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Legal Actiobn toys vs Amazon Essay

1. Based on my research and also from reading the case for each conpany;s arguments that Toys â€Å"R† Us felt that there was a breach of contract because of took on another party to sell toys and Toys â€Å"R† Us felt that they were sole third party for this. They felt like the contract was breach also because did not follow the agreement. But felt that Toys â€Å"R† Us breach contract because they could not keep up with the demand of supplies and the levels of the demand. They felt this because Toys â€Å"R† Us could not keep products in stocks especially during the holidays. The judge ruling saying that both parties breach the agreement and saying that neither parties will get nothing is adqueate. In mhy opinion, I would have also terminate the agreement and not award any damages to either party because I feel that they both the agreement and they both were wrong. 2. I feel the outline for the advantages and disadvantages that would have considered before making any agreement with Toys â€Å"R† Us would be they would have checked to see if they can keep up with the demand of the customers and to make sure that they can have all the products in stock as well. I believe that an advantage was that Toys R† Us knew a lot about the Toy Marketing and what customers wanted. I also think that another advantage would be that was getting a percentage of the sales. I do feel that if had any doubts that they should have waited and done more research into Toys â€Å"R† Us. I also think that was confident and did not have any problems with going into an agreement with them, but if they knew that they were considering other Merchantss, that should have let Toys â€Å"R† Us know before signing agreement, so they could work a better deal with them. 3. Some recommendations that I would have made to that would have benefited both companies would be is that they should have looked at the sales that was coming in. I also would have also told them that they did to evaluate what Toys â€Å"R† Us would have lost as well not just them. I would have have agreed to half what was able asked instead of what they pay. I would have also said maybe we can give it another shot and see what Toys â€Å"R† Us wanted when it comes to other merchants that was selling toys as well.  They probably could have come up with a better agreement. Maybe include that they could have gotten a better deal with working along side with the other merchants and maybe the profits would have been better. 4. I would have kept it going because since was highly successful shoe retailer. It could have benefited a lot. This way that it could have brought money that was being lost when the agreement was terminated with Toys â€Å"R† Us. I would have kept the form becaise it was well thought out and it was doing so well. could have done a lot with Zappos and that it could have brought more customers and that it could have been a huge profit in. I know for me if I would have brought Zappos that I would have made sure that Zappos would stay running and that my customers would know that there was a place for them to shop at to get shoes from. I also feel that it could have benefit from could have showed the person or persons who was running it ways to better it, if felt that the form was not good. This would have been good for both.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Evaluation-Macbeth Coursework Essay

In my english coursework on Macbeth by William Shakespeare the task was to choose two soliloquys and write about them, write how they affect the story, the character, if they are important in that particular scene and if they make any significant mark on the play and the story. The two soliloquys I chose were act 1 scene 7, and act 2 scene 1. I chose these two soliloquys because they are important points in the story. They help shape the storyline and the way in which it goes. These two soliloquys come in the start of the play, and therefore help shape it greatly. They come just before Macbeth murders Duncan, act 1 scene 7 is where Macbeth is thinking to himself whether he should commit the murderous deed or not. His first thoughts to himself are that he shouldn’t, but his devious wife soon persuades him. In act 2 scene 1 Macbeth is on his own and is hallucinating. He sees a dagger before him pointing to Duncans room, almost beckoning him to go and kill his king to which Macbeth has been so loyal to. This soliloquy is famous and helps to shape the storyline because it is just before he kills Duncan. From these soliloquys I have studied I can learn a lot about the ideas of the play. I think the main ideas that I can gather from act 2 scene 1 are that a man can be completely changed by a single action in his life. Macbeth was loyal to his king, but then his wife suggested the idea of kiling Duncan and taking the throne himself. From this act I can also learn about the characters. Macbeth is influenced by his wife and she has a lot of control over him, he is a strong and loyal man to his king and has a fairly strong character. From this I can learn that a play works on characters actions and reactions, this is what builds storyline and character. The ideas of the play here as shown in this soliloquy by Macbeth deciding whether or not he should kill duncan are that a loyal man can be driven to do something that goes against what he stands for, and that the main character does not have much self confidence, and doubts himself. This soliloquy shows me that the character doubts himself, and is considering whether or not he should commit the murder so he can fullfil his wife’s plan of becoming king, which he is now beginning to like the idea of. From this I can learn that this particular play works on deceit, betrayal and selfishness from some characters. Some of the ideas in these soliloquys that interested me the most were how a mans ideas and thoughts of himself and what is right and wrong can be changed very quickly if his pride is under threat, as shown in act 2 scene 1. I find another idea interesting in act 1 scene 7, if someone is under pressure than their mind can work in a completely different way, and they would think to act like they would never act if they were calm and in control. This is shown here in this soliloquy by Macbeth thinking to himself whether or not he should commit the deed or not. In explaining my findings to the class, I was pleased with the way I interpreted the Shakespearean text and the way I wrote the essay in which I was reading from. Also in explaining it to the class, I think I should have looked up more and read as I looked at my essay sheet most of the time. I don’t think I made the audience feel involved enough in what I was saying. This is my evaluation of my Macbeth english coursework on soliloquy’s.

Friday, September 13, 2019

Hospitality Management Major-Dining Room Class Memo 2 Essay

Hospitality Management Major-Dining Room Class Memo 2 - Essay Example The training will look at the importance of getting information from the client. This practice is crucial because it makes sure that the set up is according the client’s expectations. According to Strianese, this process involves listening and guiding the client into making the best decisions for the function. This includes looking at the time schedule, the program, the room set up, and the selection of food and beverage. The second training area is the development of the Banquet Event Order (BEO). This is crucial because it will help the service team capture every detail meaning that they will be able to put attention in every detail. The final training section is looking at the legal issues affecting the food service operations. This is crucial because it will help the service team avoid cases that will attract strange legal cases. Strianese states that, â€Å"Managers should be aware of the type of cases that have been filed and what advice experts have given on how to avo id the lawsuits† (Strianese, pg 389). Some of the safety precautions to be considered include, following the client’s instruction to make sure that they are satisfied and making proper sitting arrangement to reduce risk of accident. These techniques will create and support a professional environment in the organization because the service team will attain knowledge on the best practices to follow in the service industry which will help them in their day to day

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Chinese, Japanese, and Korean environmental activists use of Essay

Chinese, Japanese, and Korean environmental activists use of Borderless Media - Essay Example to be a thorn in the flesh for the media and the public is how environmental issues are tackled by leaders across the different governments. The Asian journalists tend to think that the media from the West is well equipped with environmental data, which is totally different from the situation that is on the ground in Asia. In Asia difficulties faced by the media ranges from financial, technical and political in the various ventures that are explored. Information on environmental problems and projects is vast in Asia but the only problem is that the information is not freely accessible to the public and the only people who get to access it are the government agencies. The information is not also made available to the journalists neither is it filtered to meet the government interests. The only information that is availed to the public in one way or the other is usually presented in scientific jargon as well as in technical reports aimed at making the environmental information incompre hensible to the media fraternity thus gagging their ability to spread the information throughout the public domain. A good as well as a practical example is indicated by the fact that the appraisal report, the evaluation report and the impact-assessment report of big projects like dams are normally treated by the national government as confidential and the same case applies to international loaning agencies that are funding these projects. There are numerous unfolding difficulties that are faced by the activists and the media fraternity in their efforts to inform the public on issues facing the environment. These however does not deter the Asian environmental activists as well as the Asian group in stepping up their efforts of informing the public on matters that are environmentally sensitive and which affect government decisions (LaMay and Dennis, 1991, p. 219). Chinese environmental activists’ use of Borderless Media Use of Local newspaper According to Redclift, as the year s go by the environmental issues are in one way or the other considered to be non-sensitive issues. This has changed the whole of reporting scenery of these issues as they are reported regularly thereby making them to be obvious. The Chinese local newspaper in particular has been under intense pressure from the government to refrain from critically reporting on issues that pertain to the environment. Bans are imposed with the claim that it is for the national as well as the security interest of the nation. In 2005 Yang, an expert of the media and environment in China indicated that environmental NGOs together with their environmental campaigns have had one of the favorable spells in the Chinese local newspaper since the mid 1990s when they emerged. A close relationship has since emerged from the environmental NGOs and conventional media. The existing relationship has also incorporated various green NGOs that are spearheaded by former professional journalists. The tie between the NGO s and the media is further enhanced by the fact that the environmental NGOs are part and parcel of the source of the news and at the same time, the environmental NGOs rely on the media to apply more pressure on the government (Redclift, 201, p. 389). Use of Internet The internet has played a crucial role in expanding the existing room for the free media over the past decades. The state

Masculinities in the Television Series, Friends Essay

Masculinities in the Television Series, Friends - Essay Example I have looked into how Joey and Chandler mutually engage with each other, in what context this takes place, and what structures it. How does this relate to the 'real' world' Karen Walker discusses how men and women relate their behavior and conceptualize personal relations within cultural ideologies of relations (Walker: 126). Walker's argument is that most writers on friendships fail to grasp that there are differences between the (gendered) cultural ideologies and social reality. Cultural ideologies signify models and ideals that society and culture enforce upon the sexes. The depiction of Joey and Chandler may serve to counter work dominant ideologies of buddy relations representing homosociality. The concept of homosociality refers 'specifically to the non-sexual attractions held by men (or women) for members of their own sex.' (Bird: 120) Within this framework of interpretation, writers have acknowledged certain elements as vital to social interaction among men. Incapability of displaying emotions is one element, homophobia is another. Cultural norms are powerful in this sense, because they work as blueprints for how men and women perceive friendships are supposed to be (Walker: 126). She claims that few writers have noticed that we must theorize friendships (like all other gendered activity) within a cyclical framework where cultural ideologies inform gendered social interaction, as well as pay attention to how people merge and make sense of structuring elements and behavior. Far too often writers isolate the ideology of gender, and leave out the context and specific practice that people carry out. Men in their late 20s or early 30s usually defined masculinity as performance, which is, continuously reflecting upon their own personality, identity and behavior. Thus, they reflect what is referred to as by Anthony Giddens' that in 'modern society individuals are involved in an ongoing reflexive project of the self.' Giddens claims that people in the West are increasingly aware of a 'pure relation', one that enables one to know someone else fully and in to the most profound depth. Let's discuss how Joey and Chandler are clearly positioning themselves within the gendered ideologies of men's relations. They find it problematic to express emotional care and interest in each other since this opposes to what they know is socially acceptable for heterosexual men to do as partly due to heterosexual constraints on men's emotional presence (Joyrich 1996). There are significant differences between what we say and what we do, as Walker (Walker: 126) points out. She questions whether men's and women's same-sex friendships differ distinctively, disagreeing that men's friendships are motivated by activity, while women emphasise the importance of sharing feelings in friendships with other women. She reflects similar attitudes, finding a gap between the collective 'tough' masculinity, and the individual men's experiences and attitudes. Cultural ideologies were not powerful enough to disable the people she interviewed from making their own friendships in practice differ signif icantly from the norm. Walker contrasts these

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Mathematics Assignment Math Problem Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Mathematics Assignment - Math Problem Example 1 m3 = 100 cm3 = 0.86 tonnes Then, divide both sides by 10 10 Cubic cms = 0.086 tonnes (b) What volume of soil weighs 3 kg 1 ton = 1000 kg Then, 0.86 tonnes = 860 kg = 1 m3 So, 1 m3 = 860 kg Multiply both sides by 3/860 3/860 m3 = (3*860) / 860 kg 0.0035 m3 = 3 kg 14. If 10 men take 3 days to complete a task (a) How long will it take 6 men to complete the task 10*3 = 6*x 30/6 = x = 5 (b) If the task is to be completed in two days how many men are required 10*3 = x*2 X = 30/2 = 15 15. Draw the graph of 5x + 2y 10 = 0 and determine the x and y intercepts When x=0, 5(0) + 2y = 10 Y= 10/2 = 5 (x,y) = (0,5) Similarly, when y=0. 5x + 2(0) = 10 X = 10/5 = 2 (x,y) = (2,0) 16. The distance travelled by a train and the corresponding times are given by Time, hrs 0 0.5 1.5 2.5 Distance, kms 0 38 114 190 Plot the graph of distance as a function of time and determine the equation of the line. Equation of the line, y = mx +c Where, c = y-intercept & m = slope of the line = here, as the graph shows c = 0, whereas, let us consider (0,0) and (0.5,38) to determine m. m = (38 - 0) / (0.5 - 0) = 76 So, the equation of the line is: y = 76x + 0 or y = 76x 17. A ball is thrown upward with an initial velocity 55 m/sec. The speed of the ball decreases uniformly with time and after 5 secs its velocity is 6 m/sec. (a) Determine the equation relating the velocity of the ball and time. Here, there are 2 coordinates given, i.e. (55,0) and (6,5) considering time is plotted on the y-axis. As per the graph in part b, c (y-intercept) = 5.6 and m = (5-0)/(6-55) = -5/49 Therefore, the equation will be, + 5.6 Or 49y +5x = 274.4 (b) Draw the graph of this equation. (c) Determine the time at which the... The negative velocity in this example would be a hypothetical state to achieve. The equation for such a case will be bound by constraints, ensuring no negative values can be put in for time and velocity.